A Snapshot of Term 1 In P6/7

We hope you enjoy seeing some of the learning that has been going on in P6/7 so far.

Big Questions. This term all our ‘big questions’ are focused on learning about animals. One area we were learning about was food chains and webs. We made playdoh food chains and some food web posters linked to different habitats. We’ve also researched how animals adapt within their habitats to survive.

Maths in P6/7. Every day we do different counting activities linked to lots of areas within maths. We have also spent time doing active maths games to practice our knowledge of numbers to 1 million.

This or that. As part of our independent learning in P6/7, we do ‘This or that’. Each week the pupils have a choice of activity that they can do linked to prior learning or something topical that week. We’ve created cameras linked to World Photography Day, created ‘Shetland’ themed food or drinks and researched keystone species.

The Last Week

P7 Leaver’s Assembly. On Tuesday afternoon, we celebrated the primary 7 pupils at their special assembly.

Trip to the Burn. On Wednesday afternoon, we headed to the burn for some fresh air fun.

Cunningsburgh Cafe. On Thursday morning, we had a lovely time at our Cunningsburgh Cafe where we had hot drinks, biscuits and time to read or play games quietly.

Musical concert. On Thursday, just before lunchtime, Mrs Peterson and her piano pupils, treated us to a peerie concert. It was lovely to hear how each pupil is getting on.

Term 4 Week 10

This week our Big Question was all about a time/period in history. The pupils could work independently or in groups to create, build and write about their chosen time/thing. They then set up their elements as a museum and P4/5 came to look around. Great work by all and a wide range of topics covered.

PE round up

We have had a busy year in the gym, finishing with our successful sports day yesterday.  They all did so well.  It was lovely to watch them, they have come on so much this year.  In the gym we have finished with athletics and rounders and cricket games.

Term 4 Week 9

Online Event. This week P7s attended an online event called ‘We’re aff tae the Big School’. This was a transition event that schools from all over Scotland could take part in. There was lots of fun had by all as we heard some encouraging stories and took part in a fun quiz as well as trying the biscuit challenge. We also enjoyed hot chocolate and some snacks too.

Sport Day. Everyone really gave their all in our class races and there was definitely some competitive spirit on show. The class were fantastic at encouraging and cheering every team on. Well done to everyone for such a fun afternoon.

Term 4 Week 8

This week seems to have flown by. There has been a lot of discussion and activities linked to our house teams this week. The class were really keen to give their ‘House Team’ boards a refresh in preparation for sports day next week. They have done a fantastic job with each board.

Term 4 Week 7

Big Question. This week we have been thinking about different forms of transport and transportation networks within different world cities. The class worked in groups and then shared their findings with the class. We also made some ‘World landmark’ hot air balloon artwork.

This or That. We had the choice between dogs, USA and netball for our be our quest this week and then also had to design a new biscuit for ‘National biscuit day’. Some lovely creations made by the class.

Term 4 Week 6

Primary 6’s week with P4/5. Here are just a selection of photos from the week that P6 spent with Mrs. Johnson and Primary 4/5. They were absolute stars all week (as I knew they would be) and hopefully all had a ball!

Primary 7’s trip to Unst. Here are just a selection of photos from our trip to Unst. The kids all had a super time and, despite the weather, we had a fun exploring Unst.