Category Archives: Games

Boom Beach

Hi im Josh and today ill be writing about BOOM BEACH.

BOOM BEACH is a Supercell game and me and Charlie both play it .We have a task force and join it, its name is Shetlanders so if u want to u can join. :^) So we both love it. It is a game like clash of clans but army style almost. You will learn. come with a plan or leave in defeat. Josh out……. Oops I forgot I was going to say our names on boom beach. This is me is me-Shister76 and Charlie-Tawy we have lots of friends on it aswell. Josh out

Clash Of Clans

Hello I am Charlie back with another Supercell game and this one I have been playing for *drum roll* 5 Years!

I got this game on my mums iPad and was downloading pretty much every game on the app store then I would play it to see how good it was. Then I found the greatest game CLASH OF CLANS!

It is very cool and we have a clan on it called The Koylis so please join.

Bye that will be all for today and remember to comment your favourite troop or card!