Destiny 2 Update!

Hi I am just going to tell you some cool Destiny 2 news!

Recently I just pre – ordered destiny 2 digital deluxe edition and in it you get sooooo much cool stuff.

So far we know that there are new enemies called  The Red Legion and they took all the guardians light  so all the guardians have to come together to beat the red legion.

The leader of the red legion is called Ghaul by the way.

I hope you enjoyed this and BYYEEEEEE


Hello its Josh Charlie’s helper. I’m here to tell you about Overwatch

Its a great game and something I can say is its my best game so far.

The character I play as most is Reaper a ghost type thing with 2 shotguns and Charlie’s main is Hanzo a sniper with a bow and arrow.

That’s all I can fit in right now but one more thing….BYE

Boom Beach

Hi im Josh and today ill be writing about BOOM BEACH.

BOOM BEACH is a Supercell game and me and Charlie both play it .We have a task force and join it, its name is Shetlanders so if u want to u can join. :^) So we both love it. It is a game like clash of clans but army style almost. You will learn. come with a plan or leave in defeat. Josh out……. Oops I forgot I was going to say our names on boom beach. This is me is me-Shister76 and Charlie-Tawy we have lots of friends on it aswell. Josh out

Clash Of Clans

Hello I am Charlie back with another Supercell game and this one I have been playing for *drum roll* 5 Years!

I got this game on my mums iPad and was downloading pretty much every game on the app store then I would play it to see how good it was. Then I found the greatest game CLASH OF CLANS!

It is very cool and we have a clan on it called The Koylis so please join.

Bye that will be all for today and remember to comment your favourite troop or card!


Clash Royale

Hey I am here to tell you about a REALLY cool game made by Supercell who also made Hay Day, Boom Beach and clash of clans!

I only play clash of clans and clash royale but I used to have all the games then I got bored of them. I never get bored of clash royale and clash of clans because they are a good mix. I recently started a new account and it is lvl 3 ( max level is 13) and it is very fun!

Here is some very good facts at this wiki

Remember to comment your favorite card

That will be the end of this goodbye!

Football Tournament

On Sunday 15th of March our team (Lerwick Rangers) had a big football tournament and we had a goalie that was in the Shetland team and he didn’t concede a goal all the way until our last match! We played in the 60 40 or the dome and it was very fun! We had a few players from Sound School and some from Bells Brae. We have many more tournaments to come!

Da Voar Redd Up!!!

Recently our school (sound school) have done a big Redd up around the school and you should tell your headteacher to organise one as well. If you are not in school just go around town or other places with a bag, some friends and some bags. Soon Shetland will be even greater with no rubbish! Tell your friends and family so we have the cleanest streets in the whole world!!!

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