Aith Early Years Department

Early Learning and Childcare

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We went to a wedding today

The morning boys and girls went to see the P1/2 wedding at the Kirk today. ‘It was really good’ – Vaila

The afternoon boys and girls went to the dance and enjoyed a gtl disco.

‘I loved the disco’ Iona


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Our transition to P1

‘I loved the the track in P1’ Odin

‘I liked the caravan, it had eggs in the teapot’ – Julianne

‘I loved playing outside at break time, I got to see my big brothers.’ – Chrissie

‘I loved playing outside with my brother’ – Jack

‘I loved the caravan, I was pretending to be ill. I had to have eggs and soup to make me better’ – Vaila

‘I loved the smelling game, we had to smell lots of things. Strawberry was my favourite.’ – Fraser

‘I liked the caravan, the water and outside.’ – Teal

‘I loved playing ootside at the den.’ – Christie

‘I loved playing with the trains.’ – Maisie

‘I loved the caravan and the water tray.’ – Kaylee

‘I loved to draw in P1, I drew the caravan.’ – Lucy

‘I liked outside and being in the den.’ – Xander

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