Welcome back to all our P.E. Classes. It is great to have you all back and a special welcome to new S1 pupils who have joined us for the first time. This is an exciting time for us in P.E. with the launch of our new department and teacher Blogs. I would like to thank Mr Tait for all his efforts in creating this excellent resource for pupils, staff and parents. Please make sure you keep up to date with your P.E. blog for latest information and tasks.
This new PE Department website is used to communicate the latest information to students, parents and community.
Each PE teacher also has their own blog which is used not only for communication with pupils, but also to provide students to access PE class information, homework, booklets and work for snow-closure days.
The PE department ran another successful Sports Day for with the the Crocodiles (494 points) winning the day, followed by the Funnel Web Spiders (442), Box Jelly Fish (405), Great White Sharks (342) and the Blue Ringed Octopus (317).
Individuals participated in the 90m sprint, high jump, speed bounce, triple jump, welly boot throw and the two lap race. Congratulations must go to the students below who won the events.
Many thanks to all the schools for bringing pupils today, it was great to see so many happy faces! Could you use this post to leave any comments your pupils have on how they felt the event went today.