P3A 2022-23

Exploring and Learning in P3A

by gw09goodladesther@glow

Autumn Senses Walk

The class has been learning about the five senses as part of our topic on the human body.  We went on a walk around the school and listed what we could see, hear, feel and smell.  The pupils worked with a partner and recorded their observations on a worksheet.  We didn’t taste anything on our walk but the pupils wrote down what they had eaten during the school day.

by Miss Stewart

Alphabet Hunting!

We have been revising the letters of our alphabet and thinking about lots of different words that begin with each letter using alliteration. This is what we came up with…

Aa – amazing animals

Bb – bouncy balls

Cc – clever cats

Dd – dangerous ducks

Ee – excited elephants

Ff –  fast frogs

Gg – goofy giraffes

Hh – happy holidays

Ii – impossible iguanas

Jj – jumping jacks

Kk – knowledgeable koalas

Ll – lovely lillies

Mm – magic monkeys

Nn – naughty neeps

Oo – overjoyed orangutans

Pp – perfect pipes

Qq – quick Queens

Rr – ready runners

Ss – silly seals

Tt – troublesome turtles

Uu – unbelievable unicorns

Vv – vicious vikings

Ww – wild wolves

Xx – eXtreme xylophones

Yy – yummy yoghurts

Zz – zany Zente!

Here we are on our alphabet scavenge hunt around the classroom. We also did a matching task where we had to find the lower case letter and match it to the upper case letter.




by Miss Stewart

Learning about our skeleton!

This term we are learning about our skeleton and we have discovered that if we didn’t have a skeleton, we would be like a puddle of jelly on the floor! We also need our skeleton to help us move and it protects the major organs in our bodies. We had lots of fun working in groups to make this child-size skeleton jigsaw. We also labelled some of the bones that we have learnt about so far.

by Miss Stewart

Our Class Charter

At the start of the term we did lots of activities based on our rights and responsibilities. In these photos you can see us working in pairs to discuss what kinds of behaviour are acceptable and unacceptable. We had a good class discussion about what behaviour we expect to see at school and what we can do to help each other to achieve our goals and make sure that everyone has the right to learn in a safe and happy environment. All our hard work led to the creation of our Class Charter which shows which rights we think are important to us at Sound School.

  • We have the right to be safe.
  • We have the right to be healthy.
  • We have the right to be heard.
  • We have the right to be ourselves.


by Miss Stewart

Welcome to Week 4

Primary 3A, here is your Homework Grid for week 4 (week beginning Monday 5th September). A copy can also be found in the Files section of our Team on the General Channel.

P3A – Homework Grid – Term 1 Week 4

You will also find a link below to the Curriculum Information for Term 1.  This can also be found in the Files section of our Team on the General Channel.

P3A – Curriculum Information – Term 1

by Miss Stewart

Welcome to Primary 3A!

Our names are Mrs Goodlad and Miss Stewart and we are your child’s class teachers. The class is taught by Miss Stewart on Mondays and Tuesdays and by Mrs Goodlad on Thursdays and Fridays. We teach alternate Wednesdays.

This term we will be focusing on one of Sound Primary School’s values which is Happiness.


Specialist Timetable:

Monday: Art with Mrs Burr

Wednesday: PE with Mrs Ritchie (begins in Week 7 of Term 1)

Thursday: Music with Mrs Jamieson

Friday: Swimming with Mrs Ritchie (from 19th August to 23rd September inclusive)


We look forward to teaching your child this session and we hope that they have a brilliant year in P3A.

If you need to get in touch with us please use our Glow email accounts as detailed below:



Thank you,

Mrs Goodlad and Miss Stewart

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