Wednesday 15th February 2012

First we started off with mental maths. It was hard for some people and easier for others. Next we played some multiplication games in our table groups. The game was when our teacher wrote loads of numbers on the board and asked us a times table and we had to circle the right answer. Thirdly we all had P.E. We had to finish of our badminton tournaments. The winners were Nicola and Morgan. It was great fun because I really like badminton. Then we had Loui-Bo’s great one off Wednesday on Cuttle Bug – it’s a thing were you can turn the handle on the machine and whatever shapes or things you like comes out but only one at a time. Finally we finished our project work on Vikings. We had to make the clothes for our tables Viking. My table had the little boy. We needed to make the clothes, jewellery even the weapons and chain mail. Now they are finished they look great.

Tuesday 14th February

Today we did handwriting ,we did the letter d. Then we did language we finished off our 500 word stories. P 4and5 did comprehension p5 did how do we use land and p 4 did a page called our dog.
After break we did some maths magic multiples did SHM 4 topic assessment, oompa loompa walruses did SHM 6 multiplying by 99, 101, 49, 51, Hannah did work on multiplying 2 digit numbers. The Driving Vegetables did scale drawings then we did Viking research with the little class. This was in preperation for our presentations on Friday. Finally in the afternoon we made Groosham Grange fact file’s. That’s our class novel. The book is about a boy called David who is expelled from his school and ends up in a new scary and horrific school called groosham Grange.

Monday 13th February

We started of the day with weekend news which was good, then we all did spelling we all did long and short vowels which are how you Say them and the spelling rule was when two vowels go walking the first does the talking. After that we did maths the oompa loompa walrus’s did multiplying by 25, Hannah did long multiplication, the Driving vegetables measured the play ground for our walk to try and walk the height of a lot of mountains called Monroe’s. Corey did money and loui- bo did multiplication games. After that we did athletics in p.e. and finished our tigers and snow leopards in art.

Term 2 by Jenna Johnson

This term I took place in the school play i played the mother trow the play was caled a trowie christmas. I really enjoyed it, we rehersed alot but it was worth it, I hope everyone that was there enjoyed it very much.You might not know what trows are they are little creatures that turn to stone when daylight apears. We started to practice a little bit later so it was tough to get it all perfect, but we managed. I was really nervous but it was really good when you were up there on the stage.

term 2

This term I took part in the trowie play and I was jimmy I thought it was good fun. We had to pratice for one month but it was worth it. but I enjoyed the practices. The best bit was going out side in pitch black and runing around. I thougt we woudn’t learn are lines but we did.

School Show by Stephanie

This Term we did the play called A Trowie Christmas Story. We rehearsed for weeks I played the part of Tammy one of the trows that got stuck outside here is a brief description for what its about: There are a happy trowie family it is nearly christmas to! But the family are out of sigs so four trows go out and the baby Mooty followed behind. Some nasty teenagers trapped them in the outside and they will turn to stone if they are outside in the sunlight.
The play went good and loads of people turned up. At the end and begining we all sang The Trowie Song.

term 2

we wrote Barry bear stories he is the nursery bear.
In our stories we had to write about his adventures before he was at the nursery.
the person who won got to introduce him to the nursery and lay things to do with our storie in the corridor. John frank won.
by Hermione

Skeld blog to March 2014

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