Review: The Demon Dentist

Book: Demon Dentist
Author: David Williams
Publisher: Harper Collins

Alfie is the main Character and he hates going to the dentist because when he was little he went to the dentist because he had toothache and the dentist couldn’t get out the tooth no matter what he tried. He even tried tieing his very large secretary to some extra thick dental floss tied it to Alfie’s tooth then made her jump out of the window. Eventually he got everyone out of the waiting room and they all pulled and out came Alfie’s tooth but it was actually the wrong tooth.
A few years later Alfie is twelve years old and has never been to a to the dentist since When a new dentist comes to town and hands out sugar free sweets and tooth paste that can burn through stone Alfie knows something’s up. Alfie father is also getting very ill so he gets Alfie a social worker to help look after him winnie the care worker decides that Alfie just must go to the dentist what will happen will Alfie survive the torture of this new terror
Alfie– a young boy who lives with his farther and has very bad teeth
Dad– Alfie’s dad who use to work in a coal mine but had to stop because his lungs were getting very bad and he could barely breathe and that put him in a wheel chair
Winnie– a brightly coloured but helpful social worker who doesn’t get on with Alfie at first.
Gabz– Alfie’s girl (space) friend NEVER calls her his girl friend. She also has a vivid imagination but is a very loyal friend.
Raj- the local news agent in a mood for an out of date mars bar? What about some frozen sticky notes? No, oh well what about a good old chat. Raj is a very loveable person.
(We realised that one of our class members Nicol would like to become raj when he is older)

Miss root– aka mummy a mean old dentist that gives out tooth paste that can burn through rock. Is she really a dentist?
Texting Boy– A boy that cannot stop texting

Home– a dark place with no electricity and no food and light by candle light.
Dentist– a dark staircase leading up to a white room when Alfie sat in the dentist chair he saw blood stains on the roof. The rooms filled with medieval tools instead of dental instruments.
School– a normal school with weird people and loads of secret rooms to make plans and have fun in
We would recommend this book for primary fours and up. Because it had the whole of our p4-7 class laughing (including our teacher) it has some amazing characters and an amazing plot. There is only one fault with this book….It ends!!

By Hermione & Nicola

JRSO Road Safety Week

As part of our JRSO duties we had to plan a road safety week. We had to plan a lesson for the nursery, p1-3 class, the p4-7 class and an assembly. Lewis and Stephanie worked together to plan the nursery lesson and Flora and Loui-Bo planned the p1-3 lesson. We all planned the p4-7 lesson and the assembly together. We had different equipment to use and to plan with.
Flora and Loui-Bo did a lesson with the P1-3. We did a lesson about bike safety and important road signs. They had fun playing the games we played one of their favourite games was one we made up where we held up different signs and they had to do an action for the signs. They also had to design an important safety sign for the school.

Lewis and Stephanie did the lesson for the nursery it was about bright clothing and that you should be wearing bright clothing in the winter because it is getting dark. They also watched a mini movie called hector about wearing bright clothing. We have been also going into the nursery and teaching them the I’m a little seatbelt song.
We all did a lesson for the primary 4-7, we did bike safety and told them that they should always wear a helmet and have a light on your bike we also told them that they should wear bright clothes when riding a bike. We also taught them how to wear a helmet properly.

In the assembly we taught the whole school about how to cross the road safely. We also taught them about seatbelts. We did height checks about how tall you have to be to not have to be in a booster seat in the car. We also did a sketch about why you should wear bright clothes especially in the dark. Then we taught them the Green Cross Code. The nursery sang I`m a Little Seatbelt song which was really cute. At the end of our assembly we gave everyone some prizes.

Thursday 12th December

When we went to school we started off by doing spelling games, we could do word jumble or hangman. After we did those games we did the definitions game where someone read out a definition of one of our words and you had to spell our words on the whiteboard.
Then after spelling games we did listening skills, where Mr Hewitt would read out a 6 or 7 digit number and we had to write it down after he had said it. The P4-5 did 6 digit the P6-7 did 7 digit.
After we did listing skills it was time for maths. Nicol, Noah and Loui-Bo was practicing their times tables. Flora, Jason and Lewis were learning about partitioning and brackets. Erin and Emma were playing games about adding and taking away. Nicola, Stephanie and Hermione were making 3D shapes. After we did maths then we went for break time.
We came back we were reading our class novel and it got really dramatic and weird, so we ended up reading it for an hour. It’s called the Demon Dentist and it’s really weird. We finished it and Nicol got crazy excited when Raj married Winnie. Everyone was laughing and it was funny but it turned so dramatic and crazy so quickly. Then we started on our calendars for 2014. We had to get photos taken of our faces. Then we drew every season of the year Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter with our faces on the picture.

Then we went for Christmas dinner. Louise and Sandra made it, it had turkey and sausage things and gravy and tatties and stuffing. It was awesome because we could sit anywhere. When we pulled the crackers we got silly little toys and I got Santa sleigh that can move on its own. For pudding we had ice-cream, jelly, sticky toffee pudding and meringues. It was a very good meal.

After lunch we all went outside for ten minutes. When we went inside we had to do a show rehearsal. It was fun and we almost have it all done. We got through the whole of the show by the end of the day. After that we went home.

Wednesday 11th December

At school today, first thing we did our listing skills. That’s when our teacher says out words or numbers and we have to try and remember them and write them down on our sheets of paper. I got 2 out of 7.
After that it was spelling games, we did word jumble and spelling hang man. Word jumble is when you muddle up a word the other person has to guess what it says. Spelling hang man is basically normal hang man but you have to use your words in your spelling book.
Next it was PE and in PE we did bum shuffle. Bum shuffle is a game which is football but on your bottom but the team called The Chocolate Fingers won.
Next it was break in break we played rugby that was fun.
After it was maths in maths I was doing a multiplication work sheet and I did 3 pages and they were quite easy.
Then it was lunch and I was super hungry because it was soup.
After lunch we were doing our Roman myths and we got 1 sense done. Our myth is called Pandora’s Box. It was really fun. In my group was me, Emma and Loui – Bo.

Next we were doing our show rehearsal and I am one of the teachers called Mr Benet the show is about the X factor and it is called skelds got the Christmas factor. Then we went home .

Tuesday 10th December

At 9.15 we did our handwriting on the letter n. The next thing we did at 9.45 was our writing our newspaper reports on Boudicca’s life. Boudicca was a British person who almost defeated the Romans in the Roman times. Next at 10.45 we had break.
At 11.00 we had maths. My maths group is called the multiplying monkeys. My maths group were doing brackets and partitioning. At 12.00 we were doing props for our school Christmas play. Our play is called Skelds got Christmas talent. We did props like a fence, stars and an ice castle.
At 12.45 we had lunch. At 1.30 we continued on with our props. At 2.10 we had music. For the first 10 minutes, we did Christmas songs. For the rest of music, we played the sky boat song. At 3.15 we headed off home.

Monday 9th December

At 9.15 we had weekend news. At weekend news we tell the class what we did at the weekend. At 9.45 we did spelling. At 10.45 we had break.
At 11.00 we had maths. My maths group were doing Partitioning. I like doing maths. At 12.00 we did our newspaper reports on Boudicca. Boudicca is a British woman from the roman times. At 12.45 we had lunch.
At 1.30 we had Art. For art we did our Christmas pictures. For the last thing of the day, at 2.20 we had P.E. We did basketball. At 3.15 we headed off home.
By Jason

Monday 2nd December

In the morning we came in to the classroom. Then we did weekend news they were some weird ones in the mix.

Then we started to do spelling we were do tion words which is pretty hard they are words like: distribution. There are all very hard the easiest word is: lotion.

We then did some math’s my group did portioning. This is when you take a number like 264 and x it by 6. This is how you would do it. (6×200)+ (6×60) + (6×4)
1200+360+24=1584 and that’s what we did.

Then we learnt the start of the story of Boudicca. She was a British lady that lived in the Iceni tribe she was living when the Romans started to take over Britain she was married to the king of the Iceni tribe his name was Prastugas. When he was near the end of his Tedder he said to the romans if you don’t harm us we wont do that to you. They said ok when he died he gave them half of his land. Sadly he died a while after. So Boudicca took over and became the queen of Iceni tribe but the romans came and tied them to a pole and whipped them and stole all there stuff. And we ended there.

Then we went for art we did a Christmas scene it was fun.

Then we went for gym we did basketball
BY Lewis

Wednesday27th November

Today after break Mrs Perry had prepared a special task for us. The task was to design a new rights respecting schools wall for playtime. We were basing the display on article 31 the right to play and relax. First we had to write down all the things we like to play like: riding a bike, swimming, playing with our friends or pets and drawing. We also had to write down some of the things we do to relax and what we cultural and artistic things like going to the Christmas party. After we had written down all these things we had to get into groups of two or three and paint some of the activities. But we had to keep them nice and simple. The display is looking really good and everyone has got one of the activities they wanted to do.
Then after we had finished doing our task the JRSOs came in and was teaching us all about how to stay safe while riding a bike. The presentation was really good with lots of bright pictures. Some of the things they taught us were: when you are riding a bike you must always were a helmet, bright clothing and you must always have reflectors on your bike. They then had some activities prepared. The activities were a word search and a competition. For the competition we had to design a helmet which could have fancy gadgets which helmets don’t usually have and it had to be really nice and bright. The winners of the competition won a mini Roll and a reflector. The people who won the completion were Nicola, Noah and Emma.

By Hermione

Tuesday 26th November

On Tuesday morning first thing we did hand writing, it was the letter M.I enjoyed it because it was easy. Then after handwriting we did comprehension. At break time we stayed in because it was raining. Erin and me did adding in maths after break, then we did RME the story of Hanukkah, It was very interesting the P4 and P5’s had to put the story in the right order. We played rugby in the gym hall. After dinner we did tooth brushing .In the afternoon we made a list of the props we would need for the Christmas show and then we had music with Mr Bennet.
By Emma

Monday 26th November

On Monday, we went into class and Mr Hewitt said good morning to all of us then we had to look at our desks and saw if we were the special person. What you do is we have a piece of paper on our desk and it either says something like sorry you did not get picked this time or it will say a kindness mission you have to do but nobody knows who it is apart from the person doing it and the teacher.
After that we told our weekend news. Some of us saw the special Doctor Who episode for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who it was really exciting. As well as that, some people went to see something at the Mareel.
Then we went onto listening skills. We did the one where the teacher reads out 4 or 5 words once then again muddled up and missing a word then you have to write down the missing word on a special sheet of paper. We marked each others work. Most of us got good marks.
Then we went onto spelling my group had words like porter, portable, and some other words. Once we had written down our words on the back of our sheet and in our spelling books, then we went onto the front page. We had to sort all the words in the box into the right columns then find some other words. Finally, we had to write the write word for the correct question.
After break me and Loui-Bo went and did our JRSO lesson with the p1-3`s ,it all went really well. While Loui-Bo and I were doing the lesson. The others did maths and carried on with their roman fact file. In the lesson one of the things that the p1-3`s had to do was in groups they had to design a new safety sign for the school. Then we went for lunch.
After lunch, we brushed our teeth for 2 minutes and then went back to our classes. The p4, 5, and 7`s all went to the art room and carried on with the art they were doing with Mr Hewitt, and the p6`s went and did JRSO planning. The planning is coming on really well and the art is looking fantastic. Then last of all we went up to gym.
In gym, we played with the basketballs and shot a few hoops. In the middle of gym there was a fire alarm and we had to walk out the nearest exit to the car park. The fire alarm was just a practice. After the practice, we went back inside to warm back up then carried on with gym. After gym, we all got changed and went home.
By Flora

Skeld blog to March 2014

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