Tuesday 14th June (p1-3)

Yesterday we did reading comprehension, textbook we did stuff about gardening broad bean seeds then the p3’s did work with Mrs  Macdonald in a book.  We did spellings and Mrs Macdonald read us a bit of a story and we had to read the rest. We   had to circle the right answers it was fruit time and water time then we went to are break then after break Mr K  spoke to us about are behaviour with the new p1’s and going into the bigger class.P1’s and 2’s did my pet stickle brick  then we each got a teddy we had to draw a picture of are animal and write about it’s life. After lunch  we had play  block  when Emma went  to nursery we had to find a book of a atlas with a bar charts or pie chart Stephanie and Noah found an Atlas it showed us the population of different country’s but it was an old Atlas Mr K showed us an other chart. After that we spoke about really bad people that blown up  stuff

Outdoor Activity Day P4-7

On Tuesday P4-7 went on an outdoor activity day to Kergord with John MacRobert. When we got off the bus we had to put on waterproof clothes and safety helmets. We met the Kergord cat, Sam. Then we walked to a style at the top of the hill to get over the fence. After we had to walk over a path that had fallen down trees that we had to climb over when we eventually got to a place were we could put down our bags and ropes. Then we walked to an old house with the roof blown of and we used it as our shelter.

Next we went for a walk to a bench and sorted out teams to he were we had to build shelters with bits of wood from the ground. We had a whole hour to do it and then John came with a bag of water and when we were in our shelter he threw it over us. Then we went back to the old house and had our packed lunches. Then we to put on harnesses and walked to a burn. Were John had set up ropes that were over the burn and attached to trees. We had to walk over them with a hook clipped on to the top rope and our feet on the bottom rope while we walked to the other side. When we got off the rope we had to go onto another rope the same but to the other side. After we were off that one we went a zip line across the burn. It was quite scary at first then once you did it you enjoyed it. At the end he asked us to think a word to describe the whole day. The words were amazing, awesome, great, daring, changeling and fantastic.

Monday 13th June (P1-3)

On Monday we did our spellings- not everybody enjoyed this there was some groans. Then we all did news, and we also mostly finished it-we all had fun. After lunch we had PE and then Art. In PE we learned how to do high jumps-Everybody liked this. And in Art we were painting the 3D chickens we were making out of newspaper-this Was FUN, everybody enjoyed this alot. For fruit we had melon, grapes and apples. After fruit we did graphs in maths! It was super fun! – but this time not everybody liked it some found it challenging .

Monday 13th June

We started with some weekend news, Rachel’s was funny and we heard what Psyduck did too. Then we did hand writing. P4, 5,6 did spelling and the P7s did maths then we swapped after break. Mr Hewitt read some of the class novel “Round behind the ice house”. After dinner we did art. In art we did card block printing using the card templates we made last week. Then we went to P.E where we did high jump and French skipping.

JRSO Presentation

On Friday John-Frank and Rachel went with Mrs.Perry to the town hall in Lerwick for a Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO) presentation. About 16 schools were there and all of them were quite nervous. We were up third and did a PowerPoint presentation about what we’ve done about road safety. All of them were good and some of them were funny. After all of the schools had done, everyone got a certificate and goody bags. The last thing was a photo to go in the Shetland Times. For dinner we went to Flames. I had a beef burger and Rachel had a chicken burger. We both thought that it was yummy. Then we got in Mrs.Perry’s car and drove back to Skeld. It was a good day out.

Wednesday 8th June

On Wednesday morning we started with handwriting as usual for 15 minutes. Then we did maths and me and Jonathan played snakes and ladders with multiplication and it was challenging but fun. John – Frank and Robbie did work on coordinates and they thought it was easy. Rachel, Jenna, Hannah and Morgan did work on addition with three digit numbers and they thought it was alright but some of their questions where hard. Nicola, Corey and Hermione did division games with Mrs Fraser and they thought it was good fun. After maths we did project work on where we would move things in our
In the afternoon we did work on what the Muslims wear and what the rules are about what they wear. Then we reminded our self about the water cycle before our trip to the water works.

Friday 10th June 2011

On Friday we started the day with Just Dance 2 as a warm up as usual and John-Frank said that it was quite fun and Kieren said that it was ok. After that we did our spelling tests and when we weren’t doing our spelling tests, we were doing some handwriting. After break we did some buddy writing about the school trip that we went on, on Thursday which everybody enjoyed. Then we were doing some buddy games and they were, Kim’s game and a game where we got a word and had to make as many other words as we could from the given word. Kieren and Jason won both games. Next we had golden time and our awards assembly.

Thursday 9th June – School Trips

Shetland Dairies

When we got there, there was a big truck with a tank on the back. Milk was in the large tank we went inside the building we were all quite exited. When we got in the building and a man called Davey told us about the machinery to make cheese, butter and yogurts it was very interesting. Next we went into the experiment room Flora was the assistant she had to hold the top of a spinning thing and Flora helped feed the bugs that was from the milk because when they clean the milk they take the bugs out the milk. Then it was time to go we all really enjoyed it we got to bring back some empty milk bottles and some foods to try.

Water Works

When we got to the water works we parked in the wrong place so we had to walk around the corner to the building. When we got there he showed us the dam and the man said it was 8 metres deep then we went back inside. He showed us the place were all the dirty water was collected. Then he went out the room to switch something on that made all the dirty water go. the water kind of looked like hot chocolate bubbling because all chemicals had mixed together and made all the dirt float to the top then he showed us a place were there were loads of green tanks and that’s were all the chemicals are mixed up then we went to the office where all the control panels are when the red light is on its switched off when the green light is on its on then we went to the experiment room the man had samples of really dirty water kind of dirty water and clean water then he did some samples and showed us some things on how to do it. It was very interesting then we went back to have our snack we had it on the pavement then the bus came to pick us up.

Croft house

When we got to the croft house a nice man called Matt spoke to us about the croft house. We got into groups with one teacher, we had Mrs Fraser in our group. First we got clipboards and a pencil. The first room we went in was the bedroom they had 2 box beds and in each bed there had to be 3 children in each, also in the room there was 1 cot and 1 normal bed it also had one dressing table. It must have been cold for them. The second room we went in was the living room there was also 1 bed in there to, it was really good. The third room we went in was the stable its where the keep all the animals. The forth room we went in was the storage room were the keep things. When we had looked in all the rooms matt told us all to meet in the living room then we went around all the rooms with him then asked him some questions. Next we asked if we could have our lunch outside. Louise our cook mace the school a big pack lunch for all the school with sandwiches, frubes, biscuits, fruit and muffins.

The bus

On the way home the throttle of the bus got stuck so we had to wait until our bus driver David could fix it. But he couldn’t so we just had to get home as well as we could and we were 15 minutes late for getting home.

By Nicol and Jenna

Tuesday 7th of June 2011

First we did mental maths.
Then we did maths.
The randomly royals- division by 8/9
Peerie apples-addition of a three digit number, Hannah said her maths was ok.
Eco hippy hippos-making co-ordinates picture. John – Frank made his own design.
Golden e’s –multiplication /division practice.

After that we did handwriting.

Then we did grammar.

After lunch we did things with our town like putting twenty’s plenty signs, zebra crossings , traffic lights and stop signs.
Kieren said he liked making them.

First they did comprehension and reading
Next they did a big snack and Angela prepared it for them
Emma enjoyed picking what she wanted especially her bagel
Nicol, Erin, Noah made book marks.
After that they wrote stories
Lewis enjoyed writing his story.
Then they did play block, Emma and Jason went down to play in the nursery
The rest of the class wrote about animals.

Monday 6th June

On Monday we started the day with handwriting as usual and John-Frank, Rachel and Corey said that they didn’t like doing it that much. Then we did our spelling work and Jonathan and Kieren were doing their own words because they have finished all the spelling sheets so that means they can pick words from their reading books. After break then we were doing some mental maths questions on our whiteboards which some people found challenging and others found them easy. Next we did some maths work and the Golden E’s were doing some multiplication work from the SHM 7 work assessment book and then they got to play a multiplication game afterwards, which was quite fun but slightly challenging. Then Jonathan, Nicola and Kieren were setting up our city in the classroom and that was quite fun. Then we read on with our class novel and it was starting to get interesting because a character called Jamieson cut off a seagulls wings and left it in his garden for a couple of years which makes you want to find out what is going to be done about it. After lunch we had art with Mrs Hunter and we were doing something called newsprint which was cutting out shapes of card and sticking them back together again on another piece of card so most people in the class enjoyed doing it. Finally we had gym with Miss Hobbin and we were learning French skipping by jumping over an elastic skipping rope, which most people found quite fun but challenging.

The P1-3 class started the day with spellings and they thought that it was ok. Then they did some show and tell and Emma showed Clifford the big red, dog. And Nicol showed a toy seal. Next they wrote their news and most of them liked it. Then Nicol, Noah and Erin went up to the library to do some work on tallying and Nicol and Noah liked it but Erin found it difficult. Then they made some creature character bookmarks and on average the class enjoyed making them. After lunch they had gym with Miss Hobbin and they were doing some walking and running with races as well so most of the class said that they enjoyed it. Finally they had art with Mrs Hunter and they were making 3d hens out of newspaper which most of class found it fun as well.

Skeld blog to March 2014

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