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Tuesday 28th February 2012

After the long weekend we started off with Munro challenge, everyone got more than five laps around the school.
Secondly we did our grammar my group did summarising words, phrases and sentences it was hard, the other groups did work on formal language and adverbs.
Thirdly we did maths, most of the pupils are working on multiplication. My group was working on multiplying by 101,99,49,51,100 and 50, it was hard it also meant doing work on subtraction and halving. Loui-Bo was working on her three and four times table. Robbie and John-Frank were working on adding, subtracting and multiplying money as was Corey. We also did Mental Maths, which included doing ten maths questions on adding, subtracting, division and sequences.Some of the questions where really tricky.
After lunch we had music with Mr Bennet we practiced our song for the music festival, we are singing the `Bare necessities` it is a nice catchy song most of us enjoyed it we also practiced our other song The Trowie Song too.
After music we did our Viking timelines with our partners. For this we were researching information in books and adding interesting dates and Viking events to our timelines.

Thursday 23rd of February

First thing we did the munro challenge. Then we did language, p7 did a debate on whether Scotland should become an independent country or not they worked with Mrs.MacDonald to help find out information. Morgan and Robbie looked at reasons for Scotland becoming independent and Rachel and John-Frank looked at the reasons against. In the afternoon we held the debate and both sides had an opportunity to share their arguments and ask question to each other.
P4-5-6 looked at Newsround story’s and note taking on Syria and the Brits. Loui-Bo found it tricky. They looked at how to write notes and the types of abbreviations to use to make the notes easier to write.
Then we did some times table practice work on the 7 and 8 times tables then we had Golden Time.

Wednesday 22nd February

To start of the day we did our Munro challenge as usual most of us got around the track more than 5 times. We have fifteen minutes to do as many laps as we can, it’s fun but can be hard as you have to go fast if you want to get a lot of laps done.
Secondly we did some times table practice of the 7 and 8 times table, it’s easy for some and hard for others, we did some work sheets and some games. The work sheets we a little bit hard it depended on what sheet you got.
After break we had Nicola’s one of Wednesday on board games, it was very good and we all enjoyed it and we all had fun playing some of the games she had set up for us to play.

Next after dinner, it was John-Frank’s one of Wednesday on world war one’s affects on Shetland. It was very interesting and enjoyable we all had to do a quiz but he showed us a power point first it was really great.

Also we read some of the class novel it’s really good it’s called the `Return to Groosham Grange` we have already read the first one, that was great.
Finally we did a timeline on the important times in between Stone Age and information age.

Monday 20th February

When we got into school we were meant to do our Monroe challenge, which is when we have walk our route around the school for 15 minutes and see how many metres we can do. After we walk we count them together and see how many mountains we would go up and down with our total. We were meant to be doing that but it was pouring down with rain so we couldn’t, however we got it done when the weather cleared up just before lunch.  We finished the presentations about the Vikings because some of them couldn’t be done because Rachel and Nicol left on Friday before we started. So their groups did their presentations on Weapons and houses.

 After that we did Spelling and our rule was Irregular Verbs. An Irregular Verb is when you have words like break when break is put into the past tense it isn’t breaked with an ed its broke. Irregular Verbs is when a verb doesn’t end in ed and is spelt almost completely different like: take -> took, get -> got, have -> had, do -> did and eat -> ate.

After spelling we did maths and everybody did practise on the Six times table. We had to say the six times table up to ten. Then we played a game when we had to be in pairs,  and see if we could write the entire six times table on a whiteboard, but if you got it wrong then you partner would get the point. And if you got all the way up to ten without any mistakes then you both get two points. There was a thing that made it a lot harder and that is we only had one minute to do it. We had to do it in three ways we had to do even then odd numbers so we had to do 0x6=0 2×6=12 and so on until we got to ten then we did 1×6=6 3×6=18 and so on until we got to nine. The second way was we did it backwards so 10×6=60 9×6=54. And we had to do the normal way 0x6=0 1×6=6 so on and we had to do each one in one minute. 

By Stephanie  Mercer

Friday 17th February

On Friday we had our weekly warm up in the Gym Hall, we played the traffic jam game where we were cars and someone told to either go in a roundabout, traffic jam , granny driving or speed racer, It was fun. After we did our reading journal activities, which improves our comprehension skills. Then we carried on with our RME Viking Creation Stories. The Vikings believed that they was two planets in the world, one fiery and hot and one cold. The hot one melted the cold one and there came an ice giant. A giant cow came out of the hot planet and licked the ice and then came Odin, the king of the gods. Odin and his brothers killed the giant and bits of his body became the Earth. We have gotten on to filming them in stop motion. Before lunchtime we rehearsed our Viking presentations which after lunch we showed them to the school in the P1-3 classroom. They were great and eye-catching. At the end of the day we had our assembly in the hall before going home.

By John Frank

Thursday 16th February 2012

To start of the day we finished of our 500 words stories for a competition we’re entering in. It’s a competition where you have to write an interesting story that’s 500 words or under, if you come third you get your height in books, if you come second you get a woman’s height in books and if you come first you get the man’s height in books. Next we did some comprehension it was hard and easy but good at the same time. Thirdly we all did maths , my group are learning how to times by 99, 101, 51 and 49. It’s tricky, but ok when you get the hang of it. Then we practiced our presentations on Vikings with our partner I really enjoyed it, my subject was Viking food. Finally the last thing of the day was golden you could have laptops for a while ,paint ,sew, play in the gym hall or go and help out in the nursery, it’s really fun.

The Nursery had a very exciting visit from fireman today.  They came with their fire engine and told the nursery all about it.  They go to hold the fire hose and sit in the truck and they even got to hear the fire engine siren go off. 

Wednesday 15th February 2012

First we started off with mental maths. It was hard for some people and easier for others. Next we played some multiplication games in our table groups. The game was when our teacher wrote loads of numbers on the board and asked us a times table and we had to circle the right answer. Thirdly we all had P.E. We had to finish of our badminton tournaments. The winners were Nicola and Morgan. It was great fun because I really like badminton. Then we had Loui-Bo’s great one off Wednesday on Cuttle Bug – it’s a thing were you can turn the handle on the machine and whatever shapes or things you like comes out but only one at a time. Finally we finished our project work on Vikings. We had to make the clothes for our tables Viking. My table had the little boy. We needed to make the clothes, jewellery even the weapons and chain mail. Now they are finished they look great.

Tuesday 14th February

Today we did handwriting ,we did the letter d. Then we did language we finished off our 500 word stories. P 4and5 did comprehension p5 did how do we use land and p 4 did a page called our dog.
After break we did some maths magic multiples did SHM 4 topic assessment, oompa loompa walruses did SHM 6 multiplying by 99, 101, 49, 51, Hannah did work on multiplying 2 digit numbers. The Driving Vegetables did scale drawings then we did Viking research with the little class. This was in preperation for our presentations on Friday. Finally in the afternoon we made Groosham Grange fact file’s. That’s our class novel. The book is about a boy called David who is expelled from his school and ends up in a new scary and horrific school called groosham Grange.

Monday 13th February

We started of the day with weekend news which was good, then we all did spelling we all did long and short vowels which are how you Say them and the spelling rule was when two vowels go walking the first does the talking. After that we did maths the oompa loompa walrus’s did multiplying by 25, Hannah did long multiplication, the Driving vegetables measured the play ground for our walk to try and walk the height of a lot of mountains called Monroe’s. Corey did money and loui- bo did multiplication games. After that we did athletics in p.e. and finished our tigers and snow leopards in art.