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Wednesday 2nd October

In the morning we started off with spelling games. The spelling games were knots and crosses and spelling tennis.
Next was maths we are doing rounding numbers.
Then it was break time, we were on the grass pitch we had lots of fun.
After break we did grammar and I and Erin were doing speech marks.
Then we did animations on roman myths it was very fun.
After our animations we went on the laptops and we looked at different schools blogs from around the world. Some of the Blogs were funny and some were weird and had interesting information.
To end the day we read the class novel.
By Emma

Tuesday 1st October

In the morning we did hand writing. We were looking at the letter was e. we peer assessed our handwriting with traffic lights. I got a green mark some of the others also got a green, nobody got red.

Then we did our own chapters out of the “Billionare Boy” story. Mine was about when Joe meeting Tom Hanson who is a farmer’s son. Tom only wants a friend because he is new to school, so Joe decides to take him and show him around.

After break we did Maths. The 2 Squidgy Triangles played the games full house and make a chain, looking at rounding numbers.
Multiplying Monkeys played the games make a path, divide a number ,find my number and nearest number, which was looking at multiplying and dividing by 100 and 1000.

The 3 Cha Cha Lammas played journey across, make a number and guess my number which was looking at multiplying by 10 and 100.

After math’s we finished project about the roman we did our god fact files which is about the gods in Rome I did Neptune because he is awesome. We also did our day in the life of a roman soldier because we had a day when we pretended we were roman soldiers it was so fun. Stephanie, Noah, Nicol and Erin made a life sized roman soldier because they were finished all there project work.

Our final activity of the day was Music with Mr Bennet. We sang hello world and abuitito.

Monday 30th September


First thing this morning we did weekend news Loui-Bo was off so Noah and Emma had to go to different tables, Noah came to my table. After week end news we did a mix of spelling and maths, Noah is in my maths group, we mixed in with another group, we are doing dividing and multiplication y 10, 100 and 1000. We did the maths on the white board then me and Noah had to make a dividing and multiplication poster. We did spelling, this week we had hard words but I did finish after break.

After spelling the list on the board said “Roman God’s work sheet or day in the life of a Roman” I had finished the worksheet on Roman Gods so I did “a day in the life of a Roman”. It is really hard because I was off school on the day we were learning about the stuff we would be doing so I had to use books to research the information.

After lunch we did art then P.E. In Art we are making a roman calendar which is cool. In P.E. we are doing tennis this term.


In the morning p1-3 class did their calendar. Then they shared their weekend news. After weekend news they did their spelling and the primary 2 were doing r words. Before break they had milkwater and fruit.

After break p1-3 did Maths. P2 did number bond games, p1 were doing numbers to 11-15 and p3 did number words. After maths they all had choose time.

Friday 27th September

In the morning the very first thing we had was our morning break. After that we said morning to some of the teachers as we always do on a Friday. After we said our mornings Loui-bo had brought in just dance 4 so we danced to that for our Friday warm up and danced to 5 songs. I found it good fun.

Next the p4-7 did some writing with our billionaire stories. While doing the billionaire stories we did our spelling tests. After that all of us had our break.
Straight after break we went to the library and did some paired reading. I find it fun to read to the p1-3. The p4-7 had to work with the Roman god sheets after that which I didn’t find it as much fun as the paired reading.

Then this it was lunch. We had fish and chips and hot chocolate sauce for pudding. I really like Louise’s cooking, my favourite is her pizza. After lunch we had our 3rd and final break for the day. In the afternoon we wrote in our folder what we did during the week. Next we had golden time when we can choose what to do for an hour. Finally we had assembly and most of us won awards. Then we all headed off home.

Wednesday 25th September 2013

Primary 4 – 7

Today in class we started our day off by doing Roman numeral work sheets. We had to make our own math work sheets but they had to be written in roman numerals. When we had finished it someone else in the class had to do our worksheets. Some of the work sheets where harder than others but it was great fun and a nice change.
After that we had did maths this is what all the groups did:
The two squidgy triangles than and less than –ppm 40
-pupil book page 21
The multiplying monkeys- division–pupil book page 8

The three cha cha cha llamas- multiplication- Flash cards
-pupil book page 21/22
Laughing baboons=BOOM!!!-Squared, cubed and triangular numbers- pupil book page 21 and 22

Then we had break
Followed by that was a space of time in which we had to work on our animations of a roman myth. Here are some of the myths that we are animating –Pandora’s Box –Mercury and Apollo- Daedalus & Icarus
We all really enjoying making animations and we all got a lot of work done on them.

We then had lunch.
After lunch we set off to swimming lessons this week we were learning about breast stroke and worked on our breast stroke leg kick. In the last half hour of swimming we were put in teams and had to collect as many rings as possible and we were only allowed to get one ring at a time we also had do it all in one minute we all agreed this was a really good game and hope we get to play it again next week.

Go Purple for CLAN Day

On Thursday we had to come to school in purple because we were wearing purple for clan. When we got to school we went into class and we did handwriting on the letter d. Once we had done a bit of handwriting we had to mark each others work we put green if everything was perfect and were really good joins, orange or yellow if one or two of the joins weren`t quite right or weren`t the same size as the other joins or red if none of them were right and they were all different sizes. Once we had marked each others work we went onto writing our Billionaire Boy chapters.
What we had done over the past few weeks is we were creating our own billionaire boy characters, because we have been reading the book Billionaire Boy by David Walliams as our class novel. Once we had done our billionaire boy characters we had to write a chapter about how the character that we created met Joe. [Joe is a person in the book Billionaire Boy.]
After a bit of writing we had break. For break we went outside to play. When break time had ended we went to line up for going back into class.
When we got into class we went into our maths seats. Mr Hewitt told us what we were doing, so we got started on maths. In maths the Multiplying Monkeys [my maths group] were carrying on with page 8 in our textbooks. Some of the work on the page was really hard. After maths we went on to finishing off our roman work.
We were making mini Fact files about roman gods or goddesses and then on the back of our piece of paper we picked our favourite roman god or goddess and did a big fact file about the person. After that it was time for purple lunch.
We had purple lunch. For purple lunch we had some soup that looked a bit purple with hot dogs and salad, there was also a sort of purple dip for the salad. When we had had our main course we went out for a photo. For the photo we had to stand or sit by a big banner and say purple or we had to say clan. Once the photo had been taken we went back into the canteen to have pudding. For pudding it was jelly and purple creamy stuff, or you could have a purple cake with sugar paper on top. After pudding we went out to play except from the people who were selling things. Once the stalls were set up we got our money ready to buy some things.
There were pencils, magnets, badges, pompom things, wristbands, cakes and a game guess Clancy’s birthday. Once we had bought our things we put them away to get ready for some games.
The nursery came to join in with some of the games. Our first game was how long you could make a paper chain in fifteen minutes. The game was really hard but everyone worked together and did really well. Our next game was a running race. We all got into our groups and we chose a baton my team had a white baton. We got ready, we got set, and we ran. After the race nursery had to go back inside for their snack. The older ones [p4-7 and p1-3] had another race. After that we went back inside to do a quiz. The teachers had a harder quiz than the children. The quiz was really hard but really fun. The quiz was really clever because it all related to something purple. After the quiz we had our final game. The aim of the game was we weren`t allowed to let our balloon touch the floor. We all did really well, hardly any of the teams balloons touched the floor. Once we had finished all the games Mrs Perry gave us all two balloons and two stickers. After we had done that we got ready to go home.

Monday 23rd September

On Monday morning, in the P4-7 class we started off with sharing what we did at the weekend . After weekend news we did spelling. Then it was time for break.
Next it was maths; Nicola, Hermione and Stephanie were doing squared numbers. Nicol, Noah and Loui-Bo were practicing their 3, 6 and 9 times tables.
We had to answer ten questions of the Scottish Parliament.
It was lunch at Skeld School. Then we went to P.E and we played tennis and then it was home time.

Tuesday 24th September 2013

First thing on Tuesday morning we made character profiles for our class novel, Billionaire Boy by David Walliams. We first did a fact file on who we thought we might meet in the next chapter of the book. Some people made new teachers, Granny’s, Hermione even did a new baby sister. Some of our character names were very good like Mona Lot and Justin Case. Then we wrote the first piece of the chapter with help from Mrs Macdonald. I think it was fun thinking of new characters and their names. It is also a very funny book to read and I recommend it to any from the ages 8-13.

After that we did maths, one of our groups did divisibility, Nicol,   Loui-Bo and Noah did times tables and Hermione, Stephanie and Nicola did squared and cubed numbers.

In the afternoon a very nice lady, called Mrs Miller from the Scottish parliament came into our class. First she gave a power point and asked us questions throughout, like where is the Scottish parliament. We got a devise with numbers 1-7 on it so we could vote on the answer we thought and we did very well. After she finished we did a challenge with different parties like the music party, school party and the animal welfare party and one person from each team read out their manifesto. The music party won.

 Afterwards we had a debate on should children under the age of 10 have mobile phones and surprisingly, against mobile phones won, so over all we had a good day.

Roman Activity Days

On Thursday and Friday we had Roman days. When we came in to school Mr Hewitt had on tin foil armour and had a cardboard sphere. In that morning we had to make helmets and spears, and pledge our lives to a Roman emperor. We then made little daggers; they were the short swords Romans used. Every while 3 of us went up to paint shields, and when we came back down we had to say the password to get into our classroom. The first password was Colorado and the second one was Green Peppers (It was weird). Noah was the Tesserarius which was a person who kept the password. He had to tell everyone the password when it changed. Once we had made our weapons and helmets, Nicola and Hermione went up to make a standard, which would be the mark for our century. The century was an entire army section; lead by a centurion. When we had done it, we went outside to practise Roman Army formations. The ones we did were Repel The Cavalry, Tortoise, the Orb and the Wedge. Then we did Roman training, which was running up the banks not using our hands. Then we marched/ran around the grass pitch. It was all really tiring and I don’t know how the Roman men did it carrying all their equipment.

On Friday we came back in to do more Roman Army stuff, and some of us had brought in plastic swords. We practised the formations more, as we were going to do them in assembly. This time we did it in the hall, as before when we went outside all our hats fell about with the wind. We then had to write a Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier using what we had learnt. After lunch, at Assembly, we all did our formations. Someone’s hat fell off and it lay there for the most of assembly, it was funny. P1-3 and Nursery watched, and most of them liked the Tortoise best. That was our two Roman days. It was really fun as it’s good to have a change from just usual class.

Monday 5th March

On Monday we went to the clickamin in Margrets bus to see the Scottish orchestra it was the first time in 25 years they came. They played loads of songs like marriage of figaro by Mozart and Into the hallway of the mountain king Greig. Another won was ride of the valconeas by Waggner. Carman by Bezet was another.. Near the end there was this song about Tom O’ Shanter about a time in his life. It was originally a poem by Robert Burns but was turned into music. He had a horse called meg, and they were riding home when he heard music. It was comeing from the church. Inside loads of bad creators like Witches were having a party. He came in and the witches chases him home and tom was whipping his horse like mad and Meg saved the day By jumping over the lake. Witches may seem bad, But they are terrified by water. They were over safe but not unharmed. One of the witches had reached out and grabbed at Megs tail, so Megs tail was ripped off. At the end they played The Simpsons Theme song. After the Orchestra we got back to school and it was lunch time. After lunch as usual we had Art and P.E