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Monday 4th November

On Monday 4\11\13 we came to school as usual and after break came into class. We were introduced to a new teacher called Miss Leask. Then we told our weekend news. Some of the news was really funny. After that we started doing spelling.
We all got our sheets and started on with our spelling. My group which was me, Nicola, Hermione, and Stephanie had a word search to do. Some of the clues were really hard and we had to use a dictionary to help us find the words we needed. Then we had to write the letters that write the letters that were in the highlighted boxes and had to spell out a word. The word was arachnophobia. After we had spelled out the word we went onto the next bit of the work sheet. The next bit of the worksheet was quite easy all we had to do was choose 2 words from a list and illustrate them. The final bit was a bit boring what you had to do was copy out 16 words twice and then a third time into your spelling jotter. Then we had break
After break we moved our way onto maths. Our group started off with Mr Hewitt telling us what our mini topic in maths was. We learnt about Prime numbers and factors. After we had had some help we started on a really fun maths game what you had to do was somebody in your group gave you a factor and you used squared pieces of paper and you had to times them with the numbers that could go with the other number then try to draw a rectangle with the right multiplications.
After maths we started to make brochures for our roman villas what we had to do was we had to advertise on a brochure why people should come to visit our villas.
Once we had done a bit on our brochures we had lunch then we brushed our teeth then the p6`s went and did JRSO [Junior Road Safety Officer] planning. The others went with Mr Hewitt and made class portraits. Then it was time for gym.
In gym we started with a warm up. The warm up we did was a catchie game Lewis made up it was a game called karate catchie. Once we had warmed up we played piggy in the middle with 4 or 3 people. Then we played bench basketball. After we had played that we got ready for home.

By Flora

Friday 1st November

At the start of the day we did Just Dance, it was Just Dance 2014. One of the songs we did was ‘Blurred Lines’. This got everybody going in the morning.
Next we did our class work for term two targets. We have also just started to work on the school Christmas show script. It was good fun working on this today, as their were lots of funny jokes in it.
It was then time for break, we got to play outside as it was a dry day.
After break we did our Roman villa brochures. My group is with Lewis and Flora, I am enjoying this topic.
We then went to have our dinner it was fish cakes followed by cinnamon shortcake which was very good.
Then it was golden time, I played catchie with Bethany. And after that it was home time. By Erin

Thursday 31st October

Happy Halloween. This morning every one came dressed up in some great outfits for the party in the afternoon. The outfits we saw were Vampires, Skeletons, Pirates, witches and lots more.
In the morning we started off with handwriting. We were focusing on the letter I. it was good .After we had finished our handwriting we moved to another desk and marked that persons work and we either gave them green, yellow or red. I think it’s a good idea because you know what you have to improve on.
After that we started writing the school play script. I was with Lewis and we wrote a funny sketch.
Just before lunch Mr Hewitt took us up to the staff room and told us horror stories and some of them were quite scary.
After lunch we had a Halloween party in the hall first we started off with ‘musical arm’s’ which is when the bigger class would hold out one of their arms and the little class would run round and when the music stopped the little class would go to the nearest arm and it’s a bit like musical chairs and one arm would go out each time. It was fun then we played the ‘group game’ when you would dance around then Mrs Perry would shout a number and you would need to get into a group of that number. We played pass the parcel and Nicol won. To finish of the day we played musical statues and me, Stephanie and Emmy won.
By Nicola

Wednesday 30th October

First thing this morning we sorted out our pots of equipment.
Then we played a game where we had to answer a maths question in Roman numerals within thirty seconds. If you knew the answer you stood up if the first person to stand up got it wrong the next person to stand up would answer and so on until someone got it right. The winner won a new pencil and rubber.
After that we played the alphabet game which is were in our table groups we have to write a different animal for each letter of the animal without talking or making noises so you could act or point to letter sand it is really hard. The winners were the only team who hadn’t made a single noise which was the crazy baboon gorillas go bananas.
Then we all made postcards which we pretended we were going to send to a friend or member of our family to tell them what we had done this holiday .It was a nice change to what we usually do and We all had something interesting to write about.
Then after break the whole school came together to decide what we wanted to do for our school play we all decided to do a talent show. We can’t wait to start writing the script.
After that we went swimming this was our last week of swimming and we were all being assessed. When that was done we got the rest of the time to play with flippers, floats and balls we were also diving into the deep end. It was really fun and we all loved using the flippers.
By Hermione

Wednesday 9th October

As soon as we got into class we had to look back on the many things we have done this term and fill out our term one reflection to go into our PLPs, we have done this term. Then we had to answer the questions on the sheet like what was our favourite thing we did this term, the thing we least liked this term, what we need work o next time and some of the things we learnt. We were all amazed at the amount of things we have done this term.
After that we started maths today my group was learning about Fibonacci’s sequence. Then we had to make a poster about Fibonacci and how he discovered his sequence and also find out about where we could find the Fibonacci sequence in nature.
After break we continued working on our Roman myth Animations and can’t wait to finish them and show all the other groups. Our animation is based on the myth of the Roman gods Mercury and Apollo.
When our hour was up it was time for lunch then we all went swimming this week in swimming we were doing lots of different kinds of races. Everyone said they really enjoyed it and want to do more races next time we go swimming.
At the end of the day we started watching Stig of the Dump, based on the book that Nicola and Flora have been reading this term.
By Hermione

Tuesday 8th October

At the very start of school we had our first break of the day.
We started the day with handwriting. Today we focussed on the letter g.
Next we wrote the redrafts of our Billionaire Boy stories (we have finished the book)and some of us finished the redrafts. My character is called Mark Ingsarrong (if you say that fast you get markings are wrong).
After break we had maths. My best topic is maths. My group is called the Multiplying Monkeys. We did multiples for maths. Multiples are numbers that are within a times table, like 10, 20, 30 would all be multiple of 10. I enjoyed it.
After maths we continued with our Roman villas. I had to stay on my own for a while because my group was busy making a card for Mrs Mcdonald because she is leaving the school. It was hard work because you couldn’t use sellotape and you need to do a lot of stuff to make it. I found making the villas fun. We got them finished and now we have to make a brochure to advertise our villas.
At 12.45 we had lunch. We had roast lamb. At lunch time today we said goodbye to Mrs MacDonald as a school and gave her some cards, a present and a bouquet of flowers.
After lunch at 1.30 we continued on our villas.
For the last thing of the day at 2.25 we had music. We sang the songs with two wings and oot bewast the horn o papa.
At 3.15 we went home.

By Jason

Monday 7th October

Monday morning we started of with weekend news. Emma and Erin went to the ram sale. Then it was spelling but it wasn’t what we would normally do it was spelling bee. Spelling bee is when everyone in the class, sits in a line at the front of the classroom, and one by one we would have to spell recent words from the start of term. Stephanie and Jason won the spelling bee prize. Then it was time for break.

After break it was Maths The three cha cha lamas was practicing multiplication. Then we had to finish our roman villas. The groups were Emma and Hermione, Stephanie and Noah and Nicol, Nicola and Loui-bo and Jason, Lewis and Flora and Erin. Next we had to wash our hands for lunch it was mince and tatties.

Loui-bo, Nicola and Flora had to make a goodbye card for Mrs Macdonald.

Then we had art, we were making Roman calenders it was a bit easy but it was quite hard at the same time. P.E was next and we were playing a tennis game called around the world. Then at the end we got five minutes to do whatever we wanted and that was so fun. Then it was home time.

Friday 4th October

First thing in the morning we said “Hello” to the teachers like we always do. Then we went into class and wrote our billionaire stories, as we are reading a class novel called billionaire boy. We then did our spelling tests.
Then we had our break. After break we did our paired reading, I was with Aiden we read ‘Giddy the Goat’ it is a good book. Once reading was over we did our roman villas. Roman villas are huge houses that would have been kept by fancy Romans . I am enjoying this topic. After that we looked at our blogs and other school blogs, I found this quite interesting to see what other bairns are learning about. It was then time for lunch and it was fish and chips as usual on Friday. Everybody enjoys Louise’s dinners. Then it was outside to play on a windy day. I played with Bethany and Katie. The other bairns played catchie.

After lunch it was the furry folder, this is what you tell everyone at assembly what we have been doing in class. We then got to choose something fun to do which we picked to play a school game. This was with Loui Bo, Flora, Sophie, Kyle, Daisy and Fraser. After that it was assembly, you get awards at assembly. I got a head teachers award for taking my time with my written work. Then it was home time after a busy week at school.

Thursday 3rd of October

At school today we were reading the class novel, we were trying to finish it. The book was called Billionaire Boy and we finished it.
After reading the book we did handwriting using the letter f. We had to do words that had f in up on the white board.
Then we were writing Billionaire Boy stories. We had to write our own chapter of the book with our own character. My character was called Hilly Billy. We were doing that for 1 hour.
Then we had playtime for 15 minutes I was playing with the k nex because it was raining.
After playtime we did maths. My group was called The Three Cha Cha Lamas. We were learning about multiplying by ten and one hundred.
French was next and we were learning the family in French. We were drawing pictures of our family and labelling it with the French words.
After French it was lunch time it was still raining so I kept making my k nex.
In the afternoon we learnt about Roman villas on a power point that our teacher made. Then we had to make a Roman villa in our group of three out of cardboard boxes and egg boxes but we have not finished it yet . This was a lot of fun.