One off Wednesdays

One off Wednesdays is when everyone chooses a Wednesday to present a topic of their choice. First you present a presentation on the topic then you give the activities for the topic. You present it in 45 minutes. We have one off Wednesdays every year. Some of the best one off Wednesdays was when we painted our canvases for our bedrooms. It was fun because we got to work with paint.
Another great one off Wednesday was on The London Olympics. We coloured in the Olympic rings and we made up our own sports.
Another good one off Wednesday was on karate where we did karate punches.
Another one was Erin’s cows she told us about her cows. We had to unmuddle cow names and we had to draw a cow on the back of the paper.
Erin did another one on her horse Star. She took in Star and told us about him.

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