Friday 22nd November

On Friday primary 1-7 all danced to just dance on the wii, like we always do. Then we started our news report while doing our spelling test. After that we had our milk and water and went for break.
Then we got into our pairs for paired reading, some of the pairs are Nicola and Emmy, Loui-Bo and Katie, Flora and Laura.
Once we had finished paired reading, primary 4-5 continued on with their roman leader fact files, primary 7s did the library, while primary 6 did JRSO road safety week. Then we all washed our hands and went for lunch it was fish and chips.
After lunch our class wrote in the assembly folder. Then it was time for golden time. Golden time is when you have to be good for the whole week but if you are bad you get six minutes less time on Friday. If you are good the whole week you have an hour to play around the school.
Last of all it was the school assembly then home time.
By Loui-Bo

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