Tuesday 28th February 2012

After the long weekend we started off with Munro challenge, everyone got more than five laps around the school.
Secondly we did our grammar my group did summarising words, phrases and sentences it was hard, the other groups did work on formal language and adverbs.
Thirdly we did maths, most of the pupils are working on multiplication. My group was working on multiplying by 101,99,49,51,100 and 50, it was hard it also meant doing work on subtraction and halving. Loui-Bo was working on her three and four times table. Robbie and John-Frank were working on adding, subtracting and multiplying money as was Corey. We also did Mental Maths, which included doing ten maths questions on adding, subtracting, division and sequences.Some of the questions where really tricky.
After lunch we had music with Mr Bennet we practiced our song for the music festival, we are singing the `Bare necessities` it is a nice catchy song most of us enjoyed it we also practiced our other song The Trowie Song too.
After music we did our Viking timelines with our partners. For this we were researching information in books and adding interesting dates and Viking events to our timelines.

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