Wednesday 22nd February

To start of the day we did our Munro challenge as usual most of us got around the track more than 5 times. We have fifteen minutes to do as many laps as we can, it’s fun but can be hard as you have to go fast if you want to get a lot of laps done.
Secondly we did some times table practice of the 7 and 8 times table, it’s easy for some and hard for others, we did some work sheets and some games. The work sheets we a little bit hard it depended on what sheet you got.
After break we had Nicola’s one of Wednesday on board games, it was very good and we all enjoyed it and we all had fun playing some of the games she had set up for us to play.

Next after dinner, it was John-Frank’s one of Wednesday on world war one’s affects on Shetland. It was very interesting and enjoyable we all had to do a quiz but he showed us a power point first it was really great.

Also we read some of the class novel it’s really good it’s called the `Return to Groosham Grange` we have already read the first one, that was great.
Finally we did a timeline on the important times in between Stone Age and information age.

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