Monday 19th September

First we did some handwriting concentrating on the letter M. Then we did some spelling and copied out our words in our homework jotters. After that we did spelling work on things like tion and qu. Before we started we played some spelling games in pairs like spelling noughts and crosses, it was fun.
After break we did some maths my group started a new topic on Problem Solving. Some people were working on Times Tables. Next we read some of the class novel outside seeing it was such a nice day.
After lunch we had Art. We were designing our own bottle with really bright colour and big patterns, like a sixties bottle; we did that outside as well. When we finished Art we had P.E with Miss Hobbin. We were playing hand ball. It’s a mixture of basket ball and foot ball because it has the same goals as football also the dribbling and passing of basketball. The last thing of the day was to go outside with Miss Hobbin to play some games.

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