Monday 20th January

First thing in the morning we did spelling, I got all my words correct I was quite pleased with that. In my spelling group there are me and Nicol. It used to be me, Nicol and Noah but he moved schools.
Then it was break time, I played with Emma. After break Lewis, Hermione, Nicola and Loui Bo showed the inspector round the school, while we did maths. I am doing 2, 4 and 8 times tables with Emma that was exciting.
After maths we did RME we learned what a parable is. It is telling a story and passing it on and there is a message behind it. We looked at the Good Samaritan and did our own plays about it.
Then it was dinnertime which was fish cakes and pasta, it was good. Art was in the afternoon, we drew a picture of a soup can in 3d. Straight after that we did PE. We were doing circuits like running and skipping which was tiring. It was then home time.
By Erin

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