Thursday 14th November

When we got into class the first thing we did was learn about similes and metaphors. A simile is a description which is “like” so you say it’s like something and a metaphor is saying it IS something. So “He was like a roaring lion” would be a simile but “he was a roaring lion” would be a metaphor. We had to write a descriptive piece of writing about a fantasy scene.
After that it was break time
When we came back into class we were doing maths. In my math group we are learning about equations and it’s really confusing as after October I forgot what “n” was but then I remembered. After maths we did some work on our roman brochures which are making booklets or leaflets like a Roman estate agent to try and sell the Roman villas we made last term.
After we did that we had lunch which was lentil soup and then mince and tatties.
When we got back to class we were going to do a full show rehearsal. It was pretty quick for some reason and we got through the whole of it in two hours. Our play is called `Skelds got Christmas Talent.` While we were rehearsing, we made our show posters, P1-3 are going to decide which one we should use to advertise our show. Then after we rehearsed we read a bit of the class novel and went home.
By Stephanie

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