P1-3 November 4th-8th

On Monday we did PE with Mr Spence. And we did Special person. We also did personal writing. In  the morning we did spelling sheets. I liked doing spelling sheets.

On Tuesday we did News day Tuesday. Which is watching news round.p1s made a bonfire picture and the p2 and 3s did bonfire poems.The poems were easy for some and frustrating  for others. 

Wonder world Wednesday. We learnt about zambia, which has the biggest waterfall in the world called victoria falls.We all wrote a thank you letter to mark the scuba diver.

Thinking Thursday we had to do think of a job out of all the jobs  we could think of and write it in our books.We did maths work sheets. We also learned about Noah’s Ark by doing drama dressed up as the animals.

We did famous Friday martin Luther king was famous for saying i have a dream.He said “I have a   dream  that my 4 little  children when they grow up they won’t be juged by the colour of their skin”

By Laura, Sophie and Bethany

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