Wednesday 30th October

First thing this morning we sorted out our pots of equipment.
Then we played a game where we had to answer a maths question in Roman numerals within thirty seconds. If you knew the answer you stood up if the first person to stand up got it wrong the next person to stand up would answer and so on until someone got it right. The winner won a new pencil and rubber.
After that we played the alphabet game which is were in our table groups we have to write a different animal for each letter of the animal without talking or making noises so you could act or point to letter sand it is really hard. The winners were the only team who hadn’t made a single noise which was the crazy baboon gorillas go bananas.
Then we all made postcards which we pretended we were going to send to a friend or member of our family to tell them what we had done this holiday .It was a nice change to what we usually do and We all had something interesting to write about.
Then after break the whole school came together to decide what we wanted to do for our school play we all decided to do a talent show. We can’t wait to start writing the script.
After that we went swimming this was our last week of swimming and we were all being assessed. When that was done we got the rest of the time to play with flippers, floats and balls we were also diving into the deep end. It was really fun and we all loved using the flippers.
By Hermione

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