Monday 30th September


First thing this morning we did weekend news Loui-Bo was off so Noah and Emma had to go to different tables, Noah came to my table. After week end news we did a mix of spelling and maths, Noah is in my maths group, we mixed in with another group, we are doing dividing and multiplication y 10, 100 and 1000. We did the maths on the white board then me and Noah had to make a dividing and multiplication poster. We did spelling, this week we had hard words but I did finish after break.

After spelling the list on the board said “Roman God’s work sheet or day in the life of a Roman” I had finished the worksheet on Roman Gods so I did “a day in the life of a Roman”. It is really hard because I was off school on the day we were learning about the stuff we would be doing so I had to use books to research the information.

After lunch we did art then P.E. In Art we are making a roman calendar which is cool. In P.E. we are doing tennis this term.


In the morning p1-3 class did their calendar. Then they shared their weekend news. After weekend news they did their spelling and the primary 2 were doing r words. Before break they had milkwater and fruit.

After break p1-3 did Maths. P2 did number bond games, p1 were doing numbers to 11-15 and p3 did number words. After maths they all had choose time.

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