Wednesday 25th September 2013

Primary 4 – 7

Today in class we started our day off by doing Roman numeral work sheets. We had to make our own math work sheets but they had to be written in roman numerals. When we had finished it someone else in the class had to do our worksheets. Some of the work sheets where harder than others but it was great fun and a nice change.
After that we had did maths this is what all the groups did:
The two squidgy triangles than and less than –ppm 40
-pupil book page 21
The multiplying monkeys- division–pupil book page 8

The three cha cha cha llamas- multiplication- Flash cards
-pupil book page 21/22
Laughing baboons=BOOM!!!-Squared, cubed and triangular numbers- pupil book page 21 and 22

Then we had break
Followed by that was a space of time in which we had to work on our animations of a roman myth. Here are some of the myths that we are animating –Pandora’s Box –Mercury and Apollo- Daedalus & Icarus
We all really enjoying making animations and we all got a lot of work done on them.

We then had lunch.
After lunch we set off to swimming lessons this week we were learning about breast stroke and worked on our breast stroke leg kick. In the last half hour of swimming we were put in teams and had to collect as many rings as possible and we were only allowed to get one ring at a time we also had do it all in one minute we all agreed this was a really good game and hope we get to play it again next week.

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