Friday 27th September

In the morning the very first thing we had was our morning break. After that we said morning to some of the teachers as we always do on a Friday. After we said our mornings Loui-bo had brought in just dance 4 so we danced to that for our Friday warm up and danced to 5 songs. I found it good fun.

Next the p4-7 did some writing with our billionaire stories. While doing the billionaire stories we did our spelling tests. After that all of us had our break.
Straight after break we went to the library and did some paired reading. I find it fun to read to the p1-3. The p4-7 had to work with the Roman god sheets after that which I didn’t find it as much fun as the paired reading.

Then this it was lunch. We had fish and chips and hot chocolate sauce for pudding. I really like Louise’s cooking, my favourite is her pizza. After lunch we had our 3rd and final break for the day. In the afternoon we wrote in our folder what we did during the week. Next we had golden time when we can choose what to do for an hour. Finally we had assembly and most of us won awards. Then we all headed off home.

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