Go Purple for CLAN Day

On Thursday we had to come to school in purple because we were wearing purple for clan. When we got to school we went into class and we did handwriting on the letter d. Once we had done a bit of handwriting we had to mark each others work we put green if everything was perfect and were really good joins, orange or yellow if one or two of the joins weren`t quite right or weren`t the same size as the other joins or red if none of them were right and they were all different sizes. Once we had marked each others work we went onto writing our Billionaire Boy chapters.
What we had done over the past few weeks is we were creating our own billionaire boy characters, because we have been reading the book Billionaire Boy by David Walliams as our class novel. Once we had done our billionaire boy characters we had to write a chapter about how the character that we created met Joe. [Joe is a person in the book Billionaire Boy.]
After a bit of writing we had break. For break we went outside to play. When break time had ended we went to line up for going back into class.
When we got into class we went into our maths seats. Mr Hewitt told us what we were doing, so we got started on maths. In maths the Multiplying Monkeys [my maths group] were carrying on with page 8 in our textbooks. Some of the work on the page was really hard. After maths we went on to finishing off our roman work.
We were making mini Fact files about roman gods or goddesses and then on the back of our piece of paper we picked our favourite roman god or goddess and did a big fact file about the person. After that it was time for purple lunch.
We had purple lunch. For purple lunch we had some soup that looked a bit purple with hot dogs and salad, there was also a sort of purple dip for the salad. When we had had our main course we went out for a photo. For the photo we had to stand or sit by a big banner and say purple or we had to say clan. Once the photo had been taken we went back into the canteen to have pudding. For pudding it was jelly and purple creamy stuff, or you could have a purple cake with sugar paper on top. After pudding we went out to play except from the people who were selling things. Once the stalls were set up we got our money ready to buy some things.
There were pencils, magnets, badges, pompom things, wristbands, cakes and a game guess Clancy’s birthday. Once we had bought our things we put them away to get ready for some games.
The nursery came to join in with some of the games. Our first game was how long you could make a paper chain in fifteen minutes. The game was really hard but everyone worked together and did really well. Our next game was a running race. We all got into our groups and we chose a baton my team had a white baton. We got ready, we got set, and we ran. After the race nursery had to go back inside for their snack. The older ones [p4-7 and p1-3] had another race. After that we went back inside to do a quiz. The teachers had a harder quiz than the children. The quiz was really hard but really fun. The quiz was really clever because it all related to something purple. After the quiz we had our final game. The aim of the game was we weren`t allowed to let our balloon touch the floor. We all did really well, hardly any of the teams balloons touched the floor. Once we had finished all the games Mrs Perry gave us all two balloons and two stickers. After we had done that we got ready to go home.

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