Tuesday 24th September 2013

First thing on Tuesday morning we made character profiles for our class novel, Billionaire Boy by David Walliams. We first did a fact file on who we thought we might meet in the next chapter of the book. Some people made new teachers, Granny’s, Hermione even did a new baby sister. Some of our character names were very good like Mona Lot and Justin Case. Then we wrote the first piece of the chapter with help from Mrs Macdonald. I think it was fun thinking of new characters and their names. It is also a very funny book to read and I recommend it to any from the ages 8-13.

After that we did maths, one of our groups did divisibility, Nicol,   Loui-Bo and Noah did times tables and Hermione, Stephanie and Nicola did squared and cubed numbers.

In the afternoon a very nice lady, called Mrs Miller from the Scottish parliament came into our class. First she gave a power point and asked us questions throughout, like where is the Scottish parliament. We got a devise with numbers 1-7 on it so we could vote on the answer we thought and we did very well. After she finished we did a challenge with different parties like the music party, school party and the animal welfare party and one person from each team read out their manifesto. The music party won.

 Afterwards we had a debate on should children under the age of 10 have mobile phones and surprisingly, against mobile phones won, so over all we had a good day.

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