Roman Activity Days

On Thursday and Friday we had Roman days. When we came in to school Mr Hewitt had on tin foil armour and had a cardboard sphere. In that morning we had to make helmets and spears, and pledge our lives to a Roman emperor. We then made little daggers; they were the short swords Romans used. Every while 3 of us went up to paint shields, and when we came back down we had to say the password to get into our classroom. The first password was Colorado and the second one was Green Peppers (It was weird). Noah was the Tesserarius which was a person who kept the password. He had to tell everyone the password when it changed. Once we had made our weapons and helmets, Nicola and Hermione went up to make a standard, which would be the mark for our century. The century was an entire army section; lead by a centurion. When we had done it, we went outside to practise Roman Army formations. The ones we did were Repel The Cavalry, Tortoise, the Orb and the Wedge. Then we did Roman training, which was running up the banks not using our hands. Then we marched/ran around the grass pitch. It was all really tiring and I don’t know how the Roman men did it carrying all their equipment.

On Friday we came back in to do more Roman Army stuff, and some of us had brought in plastic swords. We practised the formations more, as we were going to do them in assembly. This time we did it in the hall, as before when we went outside all our hats fell about with the wind. We then had to write a Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier using what we had learnt. After lunch, at Assembly, we all did our formations. Someone’s hat fell off and it lay there for the most of assembly, it was funny. P1-3 and Nursery watched, and most of them liked the Tortoise best. That was our two Roman days. It was really fun as it’s good to have a change from just usual class.

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