Monday 5th March

On Monday we went to the clickamin in Margrets bus to see the Scottish orchestra it was the first time in 25 years they came. They played loads of songs like marriage of figaro by Mozart and Into the hallway of the mountain king Greig. Another won was ride of the valconeas by Waggner. Carman by Bezet was another.. Near the end there was this song about Tom O’ Shanter about a time in his life. It was originally a poem by Robert Burns but was turned into music. He had a horse called meg, and they were riding home when he heard music. It was comeing from the church. Inside loads of bad creators like Witches were having a party. He came in and the witches chases him home and tom was whipping his horse like mad and Meg saved the day By jumping over the lake. Witches may seem bad, But they are terrified by water. They were over safe but not unharmed. One of the witches had reached out and grabbed at Megs tail, so Megs tail was ripped off. At the end they played The Simpsons Theme song. After the Orchestra we got back to school and it was lunch time. After lunch as usual we had Art and P.E

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