Monday 20th February

When we got into school we were meant to do our Monroe challenge, which is when we have walk our route around the school for 15 minutes and see how many metres we can do. After we walk we count them together and see how many mountains we would go up and down with our total. We were meant to be doing that but it was pouring down with rain so we couldn’t, however we got it done when the weather cleared up just before lunch.  We finished the presentations about the Vikings because some of them couldn’t be done because Rachel and Nicol left on Friday before we started. So their groups did their presentations on Weapons and houses.

 After that we did Spelling and our rule was Irregular Verbs. An Irregular Verb is when you have words like break when break is put into the past tense it isn’t breaked with an ed its broke. Irregular Verbs is when a verb doesn’t end in ed and is spelt almost completely different like: take -> took, get -> got, have -> had, do -> did and eat -> ate.

After spelling we did maths and everybody did practise on the Six times table. We had to say the six times table up to ten. Then we played a game when we had to be in pairs,  and see if we could write the entire six times table on a whiteboard, but if you got it wrong then you partner would get the point. And if you got all the way up to ten without any mistakes then you both get two points. There was a thing that made it a lot harder and that is we only had one minute to do it. We had to do it in three ways we had to do even then odd numbers so we had to do 0x6=0 2×6=12 and so on until we got to ten then we did 1×6=6 3×6=18 and so on until we got to nine. The second way was we did it backwards so 10×6=60 9×6=54. And we had to do the normal way 0x6=0 1×6=6 so on and we had to do each one in one minute. 

By Stephanie  Mercer

One thought on “Monday 20th February”

  1. Hi Stephanie
    What a clear explanation of what you have been doing in your class. I really like the sound of the Monroe challenge; a great way to keep fit! Your teacher is expecting you to be pretty speedy with your multiplication facts recall or do you set your own targets? Either way it’s time well spent as it makes so many other bits of maths much easier if you know your tables!
    Ms Breyley
    Burravoe School

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