Friday 17th February

On Friday we had our weekly warm up in the Gym Hall, we played the traffic jam game where we were cars and someone told to either go in a roundabout, traffic jam , granny driving or speed racer, It was fun. After we did our reading journal activities, which improves our comprehension skills. Then we carried on with our RME Viking Creation Stories. The Vikings believed that they was two planets in the world, one fiery and hot and one cold. The hot one melted the cold one and there came an ice giant. A giant cow came out of the hot planet and licked the ice and then came Odin, the king of the gods. Odin and his brothers killed the giant and bits of his body became the Earth. We have gotten on to filming them in stop motion. Before lunchtime we rehearsed our Viking presentations which after lunch we showed them to the school in the P1-3 classroom. They were great and eye-catching. At the end of the day we had our assembly in the hall before going home.

By John Frank

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