Wednesday 15th February 2012

First we started off with mental maths. It was hard for some people and easier for others. Next we played some multiplication games in our table groups. The game was when our teacher wrote loads of numbers on the board and asked us a times table and we had to circle the right answer. Thirdly we all had P.E. We had to finish of our badminton tournaments. The winners were Nicola and Morgan. It was great fun because I really like badminton. Then we had Loui-Bo’s great one off Wednesday on Cuttle Bug – it’s a thing were you can turn the handle on the machine and whatever shapes or things you like comes out but only one at a time. Finally we finished our project work on Vikings. We had to make the clothes for our tables Viking. My table had the little boy. We needed to make the clothes, jewellery even the weapons and chain mail. Now they are finished they look great.

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