Friday 17th June 2011

First we started of with our Friday warm-up and we did 3 songs and it was great fun. Next we did spelling test and while people were doing there spelling test they did handwriting until it was our turn. Then we carried on writing our stories for a competition we’re going to enter in and it has to be about a boat. Next we got to do P.E. outside and we played non stop rounders is how you play, someone has the bat and the rest of the team are around the person and there are 2 cones you run from one to the other after you’ve hit the ball and know player can get in there way. Your out if you do and the player that has the bat is out when there of the other player touches one of the cones. Then when we came in we did the class bank. Next we read some of the class novel before lunch. After lunch we had golden time and then assembly.

The p1-3 class did just dance with us. Next they did gardening in vegetable plot and de-weeded it and really liked doing it. Then they did maths and said it was good fun after that they finished their book on croft animals and they all enjoyed it. Then they had golden time and awards assembly.

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