Wednesday 4th May

In the morning P4-7 class started off with handwriting and then went on to maths to get it out of the way. The Randomly Royals did timetables, the Perrie Apples did fractions, the Eco Hippie Hippos did Compass points, which were easy, and the Golden Es did Co-ordinates and Kieren made a Fred Flintstone picture using co-ordinates. After break the class learned about the layers of the Earth. The part of the Earth we live on is called the crust. The next layer is the Mantle, which is filled with metals and lava. The next layer is the outer core and that is made of lava too. The last layer is the inner core, which is the hottest part of the earth and full of hot lava. After all of that we went outside and measured our part of the garden and then did a rough draw in our project jotters of how the garden looks. Then it was the end of the day.

In the morning P1-3 class did Maths until break. After break they made Croft houses out of clay and they looked really good. Some of the class found the croft houses difficult as they wanted them to be neat but it would look better if they were a little scruffy, then they did computer work and went on happy wheels. Then they weeded the vegetable patch with shovels and hoes so they can plant vegetables in it and eat them after they have grown. It took the whole afternoon to get it all weeded and a lot of hard work.

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