Thursday 21st April

On Thursday we started of with handwriting, then we made a word bank for the wall. In our table groups we though of different adjectives, adverbs, verbs and conectives to put up on the wall so that we can use them in our stories..
Next we did some problem solving, starter of the day on Then we did some maths, the Randomly Royals did the seven times table, the Eco Hippy Hippoes did angles and finally the Peerie Apples were writing numbers, adding and taking them away. Then we did the class bank we learnt how to use bank forms for putting money in our bank accounts which was pretty cool, and morgan also convinced Mr Hewitt to give us interest on the money in our accounts.  Interest is when you get money for keeping your monmey in the bank. Next we read some of the class novel The Blurred Man, and there was a really funny part about a boy Billy who had bullies hired to bully the bullies that bullied Billy, Rachel found it histerical. At the very end of the day we set up for the premiere.

The primary 1-3 class started of with some maths they did addition then they wrote up what happened at the Voar Redd up on word documents finnaly they reheresd fot the open night.
At the open night we showed our parents around the school, we also showed them our film and gave them Shloer and popcorn, they all said they liked it. Jenna and Rachel played the fiddle and Nicol played the chanter. At the start of the evening Primary 4-7 and primary 1-3 did a pretiontation on what they did last term.

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