All posts by Mrs McGilp

P1 patterns

We have  another busy week this week in P1b. 

Our highlights this week have been:

  • Making lots of patterns. We made a tower as tall as Elliot and Calum!
  • Cutting out our letters. We learned m and d in phonics this week.
  • Making words and writing words on whiteboards
  • Playing outside
  • Making friends
  • Drawing a giraffe with Mrs Brown
  • Mrs Fletcher doing Scottish dancing!
  • Learning dribbling at PE

Looking at leaves in P1b

We’ve had another busy week in P1. We learned two new sounds – h and r. For h we made a hat and have been hopping around the classroom. For r we watched a rocket launch and have been watching stories from the International Space Station.

We’ve been practising writing words and were very pleased to all write a short sentence!

In number time we’ve been working on formation.  Number eight is quite tricky and it would be good to practise this at home. When we wrote a number eight we say the rhyme ‘make a ‘s’ and close the gate, that’s how we make a number 8’.

In our outdoor learning this week we’ve been talking more about evergreen and deciduous trees. We went on a tree hunt to see which types of trees we could spot. We were very excited to see birch, lime, oak and sycamore in our outdoor classroom!

In PE Mrs Fletcher has been showing us how to throw and catch a ball. It is lots of fun.

  • Our highlights this week:
  • Playing dinosaurs at playtime
  • Finding new trees
  • Writing on the whiteboards
  • Learning r
  • Playing with the playdoh
  • Cutting out the letters
  • Making hats
  • Watching the rocket take off

Here are some pictures of our learning and play this week:

Badgers and magpies

We’ve had a very black and white week in P1b this week! We drew and painted badgers, did black pen pictures of magpies and put our black pen self-portraits up at the entrance to the classroom.

The badger and magpie are characters in our Emily Gravett picturebooks. We have been retelling the stories together in our own words, using story stones to help us sequence the events.

In phonics this week we learned the k and the e sounds. For k we helped make kites. To help us learn e we read the story Elmer and the Rainbow and did a brilliant job taking our time to colour in an Elmer.

In numeracy we’re continuing with number formation and have been introducing the language of one more and two more.

In our outdoor learning we’re watching closely to see the leaves changing colour to help us identify deciduous and evergreen trees and are patiently waiting for the leaves to  start falling.

We also enjoyed music with Mrs Ingles this week where we had fun singing and stomping our feet to the beat!

Here are some pictures of our learning and play this week:

Hard work in P1b

(Title chosen by Conrad)

This week the children helped to write the blog. We talked about what the blog is, who can see it and what we should put on it. We thought about all of the learning we could share this week.

We learned the n sound and looked at some real birds nests. They were made of sticks, moss, paper and even hair! One had (pretend) eggs in it.

We then went to the outdoor classroom and collected lots of sticks. We made our own nests. We had to take turns to each put a stick on the nest.

We read a story called Not a Stick. We drew pictures of our own pigs and put some of the sticks on them. We used our imagination and thought of different things the stick could be.

We learned the c sound and had a go clicking castanets. We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Enormous Crocodile stories.

Our favourite things this week were:

  • Reading The Enormous Crocodile.
  • Making angry plasticine faces.
  • Cutting out the letters, we were very careful to follow the lines.
  • Making the nests.
  • Watching the assembly with Mrs Ward.
  • Choosing pictures for the blog.

Here are the pictures we have chosen to show our learning this week:

Soft starts in P1

We’ve had another lovely week in P1. We have a ‘soft start’ each morning to ease the children into the day.  This week we‘ve been focusing on our fine motor skills with painting, building with loose parts, writing with buttons and eating pom-poms with our tennis ball monsters!

In literacy we’ve learned two more sounds – i and p. The children are doing a great job remembering the sounds and the actions. Please keep practising these at home. 

We’re also doing lots of activities with plasticine and playdoh to strengthen our fingers. We’re concentrating on faces in our pictures, remembering all of the different parts of the face.

In numeracy we’re continuing with our number formation and ordering number lines. We’ve started to use the language of before, after and in between.

In our outdoor learning we’re learning about the different parts of a tree. We went outside and did some bark rubbing. It was fascinating to see the patterns on the different trees!

We also read The Leaf Man and the Stick Man and then made our own characters from natural materials we found in the outdoor classroom. Back inside  we did a fantastic job making our characters and sharing our leaves and sticks if somebody didn’t have enough for their picture.

Here are a few photos from our week:

Our week in p1

We’ve had a fun and busy full first week in P1b.

We’ve now learned three sounds, s, a and t. Please practise these sounds and actions at home. The Jolly Phonics songs can be found here. We’re doing lots of fine motor activities, practising our cutting and sticking and getting strong fingers using plasticine and playdoh.

In numeracy we’re practising number formation, so far focusing on 1, 2 and 3. We’ve been building number lines and using cubes and natural materials to help us with our counting.

We’ve also enjoyed adding to our painting which we started last week. We added finger print leaves to show all of the autumn leaves falling off the trees and added a black pen picture of a badger tidying them up, like Pete the badger does in our story Tidy.

In our outdoor learning this week we’ve been acting out the story of Pete the badger tidying the forest and pulling the trees down (before replanting them again). We’ve been looking more closely at oak trees, going on a tree hunt around the school grounds where we spotted seven oak trees! The children are doing a fantastic job of recognising the shape of the leaves. We also talked about all of the different animals that might live in and around an oak tree. We looked around our playground and thought about the different places that animals might like to live, including mice on our pirate ship!

We’ve also been doing lots of playing in the classroom, doing a great job of sharing and getting to know the toys and each other.

Welcome P1b!

We’ve made a great start in P1B. Last week we spent a lot of time learning where everything is and getting used to the routines of Primary 1.

We tend to start the day with fine motor tasks like threading, playdough and picking things up with tweezers. On Thursday we learned our first sound – sssssss! The children did a great job cutting and sticking their snakes and thinking of lots of words beginning with s – including some dinosaurs the grown ups had never heard of!

We spent a lot of time playing – indoors and out. We also went for a walk around the school grounds and were impressed with the view of Peebles from the top of the hill.

The story for our topic is Tidy by Emily Gravett, about an overzealous badger who likes tidying a little too much. Through this we are learning about trees and the oak tree in particular, animal habitats and how we can look after the countryside.