All posts by Mrs Collins

Learning the or sound

This week we have been learning to read and write words with the or sound as in fork, horn and thorn. We read a story about a storm and created a stormy picture using special tissue paper that you wet with water so that the colour runs out onto the paper. When the tissue dries you peel it off to reveal the dyed paper. We used chalk to draw the rain and the lightning ⚡️.

Food for Hungry Birds!

P1a had great fun today making fat balls for the garden birds. We started by squashing lard in a big bowl, then we added oats, bird seed, grated apple, pear, cheese and bread and finally raisins. After mixing it altogether we spooned it into plastic cups and put it into the fridge to set.

Big School Bird Watch

Today P1a went all over the school grounds bird watching. Before we went outside we made up our own  bird watching rules to follow such as not scaring the birds, keeping very quiet, not touching any nests and keeping calm! We talked about how we would be able to identify the different birds eg by the colour of their feathers, their legs and feet, the shape of their beak. We recorded our findings on our sheet. We saw blackbirds, robins, sparrows, wood pigeons, jackdaws, crows and a pheasant.

Back in the classroom we watched the pheasant eating some seed, we were able to get a really close look at his legs, feet, beak  and beautiful feathers.

Sound Fun

Primary 1 have been continuing to learn their double sounds, oo, ch, sh and this week ee and or. We spend time building and reading words with the focus sound in them and using the words to make sentences.

We were very pleased with these scary sharks we made. We wrote a sentence about a shark and enjoyed listening to shark stories. Our favourite story was Don’t Eat The  Teacher about a young shark that gets so excited he eats everything in his way!

Ch is for Choukie Hen!
We had great fun learning our Choukie Hen poem. Mrs Collins was very proud of all of the class for standing up and reciting their poem either on their own or in a group. We worked very hard drawing Choukie hen with oil pastels.

The RSPB Wild Challenge in P1

Primary 1 have begun their first wild challenge, taking part in the Big School Bird Watch. We have been thinking about why this annual RSPB activity is so important in helping to find out which birds are doing well and which need some help. We have been talking about the different ways we can help our local birds. We shared our ideas about how we could identify the various birds for example by their size, song, shape of beak, colour of their feathers. Each P1 class has set up their own bird hide ready for bird watching and are getting familiar with the birds we can see in the playground.

We are recording our different activities on the learning wall.

Can you spot some familiar birds in our tree?