All posts by Mrs Collins

Sound Fun

a as in ant ๐Ÿœ

This week P1 were learning ย about the a sound as in ant, alligator and ย apple. Michael the puppet told us a story about a picnic at the park when his sandwiches were full of ants! We practised writing a on our whiteboards, sang the a song and made an ant door hanger.

Meet Mr Tall

Learning about the t sound, Mrs Collins told us a story about Mr Tall learning to play tennis with Mr Tickle! We thought about words that had the t sound in them and made our own Mr Tall!

Word Building

We have begun to learn to put sounds together to make words.

Percy the Park Keeper

Primary 1a are reading the stories of Percy the Park Keeper by Nick Butterworth. We started with the story of After the Storm. In the story the tree where the animals live comes down in a storm, Percy helps the animals to find a new tree to live in and under!

We began by talking about the special qualities Percy had for example kind, helpful, caring and then we drew a picture of him using our black pen.

We went outside and built homes for the different animals in the story. We had to work together sharing our ideas.


What a Super Start!

Primary 1 have settled in well to life at Kingsland. They have been very busy learning routines and making new friends. Each morning they start by doing activities in their groups. Last week they were threading, making patterns using coloured animals and drawing patterns on whiteboards.