Looking at leaves in P1b

We’ve had another busy week in P1. We learned two new sounds – h and r. For h we made a hat and have been hopping around the classroom. For r we watched a rocket launch and have been watching stories from the International Space Station.

We’ve been practising writing words and were very pleased to all write a short sentence!

In number time we’ve been working on formation.  Number eight is quite tricky and it would be good to practise this at home. When we wrote a number eight we say the rhyme ‘make a ‘s’ and close the gate, that’s how we make a number 8’.

In our outdoor learning this week we’ve been talking more about evergreen and deciduous trees. We went on a tree hunt to see which types of trees we could spot. We were very excited to see birch, lime, oak and sycamore in our outdoor classroom!

In PE Mrs Fletcher has been showing us how to throw and catch a ball. It is lots of fun.

  • Our highlights this week:
  • Playing dinosaurs at playtime
  • Finding new trees
  • Writing on the whiteboards
  • Learning r
  • Playing with the playdoh
  • Cutting out the letters
  • Making hats
  • Watching the rocket take off

Here are some pictures of our learning and play this week:

One thought on “Looking at leaves in P1b”

  1. Brilliant work Primary 1! Your zigzag hedgehog pictures are fantastic and those rockets look like lots of fun. Super team work on your leaf hunt too! 😀

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