Badgers and magpies

We’ve had a very black and white week in P1b this week! We drew and painted badgers, did black pen pictures of magpies and put our black pen self-portraits up at the entrance to the classroom.

The badger and magpie are characters in our Emily Gravett picturebooks. We have been retelling the stories together in our own words, using story stones to help us sequence the events.

In phonics this week we learned the k and the e sounds. For k we helped make kites. To help us learn e we read the story Elmer and the Rainbow and did a brilliant job taking our time to colour in an Elmer.

In numeracy we’re continuing with number formation and have been introducing the language of one more and two more.

In our outdoor learning we’re watching closely to see the leaves changing colour to help us identify deciduous and evergreen trees and are patiently waiting for the leaves to  start falling.

We also enjoyed music with Mrs Ingles this week where we had fun singing and stomping our feet to the beat!

Here are some pictures of our learning and play this week:

One thought on “Badgers and magpies”

  1. What a busy blog post everyone! I really like the self-portraits outside your classroom door and the badger paintings. It is great to see the children having fun in music too. Thank you for all of your hard work Mrs McGilp!

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