The Snail and the Whale

We’ve had a great week back, in spite of the weather!

In literacy this week we’ve learned the ‘ai’ sound and did a train picture, drawing a variety of different passengers on the train, including people, circus animals and dinosaurs! We also enjoyed reading The Snail and the Whale. In our writing this week we wrote a two part story about the snail and the whale, in the first part introducing the characters and in the second part drawing one of the many exciting locations they visited. We also did a great job making plasticine snails and had lots of fun making a long spiral for the shell!

In numeracy this week we’ve been looking at doubles and linking addition and subtraction facts. We’re also continuing our data handling, looking at tally marks and collecting our own data. We had a brilliant time asking our friends and the grown ups questions and recording the information.

Also this week we’ve lots of fun playing. We have a post office in the classroom and have been busy writing lots of letters and learning how to write addresses. We’ve also had the beebots and code-a-pillar out and have been making our own courses.

We’re continuing our soft starts in the morning, this morning painting plants and daffodils.

Here are some of the children’ s highlights and the photos we have chosen to share:

  • Making snails with the plasticine
  • Making the train
  • Playing with the code a pillar
  • Making a course for the Beebots
  • Playing in the post office
  • Painting the flowers
  • Playing with the beebots
  • Having good ideas!
  • Doing numbers
  • Playtime and eating snacks
  • Everything!

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