Our Scots topic

We’re continuing our Scots focus this week. Thank you for practising Choukie Hen at home. Several children have enjoyed reciting the poem in front of the class.

We’ve also been reading lots of Scottish stories this week, including the story of Greyfriar’s Bobby. We did a black pen picture of Bobby and some fantastic descriptive writing. On Monday we made Scottish flags with Mrs Thomson using scrunched up tissue paper. On Wednesday afternoon we learned about tartan and how different clans and families have their own colours. There is even a Kingsland tartan! We then chose our colours and weaved paper to design our own tartan. This was quite a tricky task and we worked brilliantly together, helping each other and being very encouraging.

Also this week we’ve learned the ‘ch’ sound and had fun being reading detectives and finding lots of words with ‘ch’ in them.  

In numeracy we’ve started our block on subtraction, initially looking at the concept of taking away. 

The children’s highlights this week have been:

  • Drawing Greyfriar’s Bobby
  • Playing with the playdough
  • Junk modelling
  • Playing hotels
  • The letter jigsaws
  • Weaving tartan
  • Having courage and saying Choukie Hen
  • Learning ch
  • Starting take away

Here are some pictures we have chosen to share this week:

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