Big schools’ birdwatch

We’ve made a great start to our RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We’ve been finding out what the RSPB do and why we need to do the birdwatch, as well as looking more closely at the birds in the playground.

We’ve set up our birdhide where we regularly spot our visiting pheasant, lots of crows after playtime and a very pretty Pied Wagtail.

To help feed the birds in winter we made fruit kebabs. We used cheese, apples, pears, strawberries and raisins. We hope you have been able to hang these somewhere the birds can get to.

We’ve been learning about the different types of birds and how to recognise them. On Thursday we read the story of Lucky Duck and learned how birds are all slightly different – the robin has a small beak to pick up insects, the duck has webbed feet to swim with and the blackbird has a beautiful song.

We then drew our own lucky ducks and wrote a few sentences to describe him.

Also this week we learned the ‘ee’ sound. We will learn ‘or’ next week. We’re continuing to do lots of word building and looking at what a sentence needs.

In numeracy we’re all getting very good at subtraction, this week rolling dice to make our own subtraction stories.

On Thursday we had a very special afternoon as the whole school enjoyed a piece of Mrs Clyde’s lovely shortbread whilst watching the Scots celebration. We sat very well and loved seeing ourselves on screen as well all of the older children in the school.

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