Soft starts in P1

We’ve had another lovely week in P1. We have a ‘soft start’ each morning to ease the children into the day.  This week we‘ve been focusing on our fine motor skills with painting, building with loose parts, writing with buttons and eating pom-poms with our tennis ball monsters!

In literacy we’ve learned two more sounds – i and p. The children are doing a great job remembering the sounds and the actions. Please keep practising these at home. 

We’re also doing lots of activities with plasticine and playdoh to strengthen our fingers. We’re concentrating on faces in our pictures, remembering all of the different parts of the face.

In numeracy we’re continuing with our number formation and ordering number lines. We’ve started to use the language of before, after and in between.

In our outdoor learning we’re learning about the different parts of a tree. We went outside and did some bark rubbing. It was fascinating to see the patterns on the different trees!

We also read The Leaf Man and the Stick Man and then made our own characters from natural materials we found in the outdoor classroom. Back inside  we did a fantastic job making our characters and sharing our leaves and sticks if somebody didn’t have enough for their picture.

Here are a few photos from our week:

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