Our week in p1

We’ve had a fun and busy full first week in P1b.

We’ve now learned three sounds, s, a and t. Please practise these sounds and actions at home. The Jolly Phonics songs can be found here. We’re doing lots of fine motor activities, practising our cutting and sticking and getting strong fingers using plasticine and playdoh.

In numeracy we’re practising number formation, so far focusing on 1, 2 and 3. We’ve been building number lines and using cubes and natural materials to help us with our counting.

We’ve also enjoyed adding to our painting which we started last week. We added finger print leaves to show all of the autumn leaves falling off the trees and added a black pen picture of a badger tidying them up, like Pete the badger does in our story Tidy.

In our outdoor learning this week we’ve been acting out the story of Pete the badger tidying the forest and pulling the trees down (before replanting them again). We’ve been looking more closely at oak trees, going on a tree hunt around the school grounds where we spotted seven oak trees! The children are doing a fantastic job of recognising the shape of the leaves. We also talked about all of the different animals that might live in and around an oak tree. We looked around our playground and thought about the different places that animals might like to live, including mice on our pirate ship!

We’ve also been doing lots of playing in the classroom, doing a great job of sharing and getting to know the toys and each other.

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