
New Friends and New Routines

This week we have welcomed some new children into our nursery. All the children have been helping them to make friends and settle in well.  It has been lovely to see the children playing together and being so welcoming to our new starts.

The children have been developing their problem-solving skills, team work and creativity to experiment with ramps and tracks for vehicles. They have also enjoyed creating music with instruments and having a sing-a-long in the outdoor space, as well as learning new counting games and mark making with chalks outside.

We have returned to having the indoor space split into two areas, as we had in Term 1, in line with the current Covid guidance. We have two of the children’s colour groups in one area and the other two colour groups in the other area. Both areas have the same zones and experiences for the children and the outdoor space is for all the children, with no group bubbles. We are continuing to follow the current guidance to ensure all necessary infection prevention and control practices support a safe environment for our children and staff.

Next week, 17th-21st January,  is ELC Enrolment week. Please see below for details.