Hot Tubs, Crawling Caterpillars and Symmetrical Butterflies

We have had a busy two weeks and the warmer weather last week inspired the installation of the ELC’s hot tub last Tuesday. The children took turns to jump in, switch on the bubbles and relax. The children were using detailed expressive language to share their thoughts and develop their play cooperatively with drinks added,  slides into and out of the tub, changing rooms for socks and shoes and life guards to take charge. The children  revisited and developed their hot tub role-play each day last week with a “disco in the tub” on Wednesday and real water added on Thursday for all to have a cooling off paddle.

The children have enjoyed making crawling caterpillars, some longer than others. They have expressed their understanding of symmetry through butterfly creations, developing their gluing and printing skills.

The parachute has been used to support the children’s representations (through their body movements) of the lifecycle of the butterfly from tiny eggs to caterpillars, chrysalis and finally a butterfly with beautiful wings.

ELC have joined in the other classes’ fitness routine of running or walking around the school for the Daily Mile with ALL of the children completing a lap on Wednesday….and staff too! This helps to support  their understanding of wellbeing through being active daily.

The children have also set up an ice-cream shop in the garden with an extensive menu board, which they have enjoyed using for role play. They have also been investigating which bugs are living in the Bug Hotel.

Miss Thomson has taken part in a Play on Pedals training day this week and some of the older children were able to take part in a short practice session. We are excited that all the ELC children next year will be able to experience Play on Pedals sessions regularly.

Finally, we are very much looking forward to welcoming all our parents in to ELC during our Back in the Building open mornings   which will be on Friday 27th May from 9.10am-10.10am and Thursday 2nd June from 8.45am-10.10am.  This will be an opportunity for you to spend time in ELC with your child and to speak to all the ELC staff team.

One thought on “Hot Tubs, Crawling Caterpillars and Symmetrical Butterflies”

  1. Eilidh has clearly been enjoying so much of what she has being doing in nursery in the last few weeks. She has been talking lots about the ice cream shop, gardening, cycling and the doing laps around the school. She has been so excited to tell us all at home and is obviously loving her time with you!! Thank you!

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