Launching Our Recycling Project

This week the children have started their Recycling project and have been preparing the recycling tubs to sort  items into. Everyone has been helping to sort through our toys and games to see what we can keep and what needs to be recycled. The children also brought home battery boxes, so that old batteries can be brought in to be recycled. These activities are helping the children to understand how we can all think carefully about why we recycle and how we can do this at home and in nursery.

It has been another busy week in the nursery garden with the children preparing the containers and beds ready for planting flowers and vegetables. They have enjoyed using the new gardening tools to  dig the weeds out and turn the soil to prepare the ground.

We have already started planting inside and this week the children planted Sunflower seeds. The children all decorated their own greenhouses, then added soil and a seed to them. They are now on our windowsills where they will get lots of sun and the children can watch them grow as they care for them. The children have also been making Sunflowers this week which they have displayed by the nursery entrance, so that all the families can see them at drop off and pick up. They also learned that the Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine.

Some of the children have been investigating how to build a bridge this week.  They have been using their problem-solving skills and team work to use the blocks to make a long bridge., which was much admired by everyone. When it accidentally fell down they had fun  singing ‘London Bridge is falling down’.

We are continuing to encourage the children to develop their independence through our nursery routines, such as our self-service snack routine. Some of the children are  also enjoying helping to prepare the snack and lay the table.

For Red Nose Day today the children enjoyed listening to and joining in with ‘have a laugh stories’. There were lots of giggles and funny ideas they all shared together.

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