Messy Play!

The windy weather this week inspired the children to make a kite to fly. They used a black bin bag, sticks from the garden, string and ribbon. Everyone had a go at flying the kite and trying to keep it in the air.

The wintery weather has also encouraged the children to assess risks when they have been playing outside. They all walked around the garden together to check which areas were safe to play in and which were too slippery. They even made up a rule for playing outside to keep everyone safe. To develop their independence, the children have also been trying hard to zip up their own coats when they get ready to go outside.

There has been lots of messy play in the garden this week. The children had fun making gloop and playing with the dinosaurs in it. They also then added shaving foam for some really messy play.  They especially loved putting it onto their hands and clapping!

We have also reintroduced our Snack Helper role this week. At each snack time a different child helps an adult to lay the snack table and give out snacks and drinks. They also call each colour group to the table and help to tidy up and load the dishwasher. They have all really enjoyed being given responsibility and helping with ‘grown up jobs’.

We now have a new self-service painting station, where the children dispense their own paints and collect their own paper, brushes, sponges and other tools for mark making. They also put on their own apron and clean up when they have finished. We even have a gallery area where they can hang their super artwork.

To help the children to practice their colour and shape recognition, they have been building towers with the coloured blocks and then describing them . This has also helped them to develop their problem-solving skills, vocabulary and creativity.


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