This driver in Poland got more than he bargained for this week when a swarm of bees took a liking to the front of his car! Queen Bees lead the swarm to a new place. Why do you think the Queen Bee led the swarm here?!
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It’s Bee and Ladybird Week!
Listen to ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ by Rimsky-Korsakov.
Does the music make you think of a buzzing bee, dashing between the flowers?
And here’s the ladybird video we watched in class today. Can you remember what we learned about ladybird habitats?:
Look What I Did At Home!
- Gabe enjoyed learning about spiders!
- What a lot of minibeasts!
- Beth McN is cool with just slugs.
- Jacques made a ‘Count the Minibeast’ game
- Look at Jacques’ ant colony!
- Callum found a snail shell!
What’s Next?
Which minibeast are we studying in class next week?
Can you guess from these clues?
- This minibeast starts life as hairy, smooth or spiky. It is often brightly coloured or camouflaged to scare off or trick predators!
- This minibeast changes completely during its lifecycle. This change is called metamorphosis.
- There are almost 20,000 different types of this minibeast.
- Once grown, this minibeast sucks up its food through a curly tube called a proboscis.
- We will be looking closely at the ‘Painted Lady’ variety of this minibeast.
- Here’s a close up of this minibeast at an early stage of its life cycle, do you recognise it?!
Post a reply to tell me what minibeast you think it will be!
Tellagami Update
We used ‘Tellagami’ today to make a short animation about our caterpillars. Click the link below to see it!
Tellagami is an app we have on our iPad, we linked this to our Smartboard and all worked on the Tellagami together. We are very proud of how it turned out, what do you think?
Click this link to watch our first ever Tellagami!
Minibeast Managers
Think you are an expert on mini beast habitats? Try this cool game and test yourself! You have to choose habitats and then select the best habitat for each mini beast- if the mini beast doesn’t like where you put it you will see it quickly move out to somewhere it likes better! Click the link below to get started:
PS- this game isn’t tablet friendly, so try it on your PC or laptop! Thanks to Will’s mum for bringing this to my attention!
Bug Hunters!
We went on a minibeast hunt last night! We found a spider in his web. He made his web under a brick. We saw a slater in the web- he was going to get eaten! We decided to save his life! We got a brush and a jar and we gently swept him in. We were really careful not to damage the web. Sorry you didn’t get any dinner, Mr. Spider!
By Lyall and Paddy
Caterpillar Newsflash!
What is this caterpillar doing?!
Is he practicing headstands? Doing yoga? Has he slipped and is desperately trying to climb back up?!
His body is making a ‘J’ shape and he is very still. Can you see the strands of silk attached to him? What is he making?
Looks like some of his friends are crawling up onto the lid to join him…whatever can they be up to?
Do you know why the caterpillars are hanging upside down?
Tell us your ideas by replying to this post!
Splendid Spiders!
Yesterday we made these brilliant spiders with Mrs. Glass. Today they looking very comfortable in their very own web! Some people chose to add palps (used for touching, tasting and feeling) or fangs (for paralysing prey!). Did you know, it only takes a spider about three hours to make a web? Could you build a trap to catch your dinner in three hours?!