
 – Reflecting on Practice


QI 2.1 p24

To what extent are approaches to child protection and safeguarding an integral part of our self-evaluation processes? How good is the leadership of the setting in taking forwards this area of practice and how do we know?

Is there an appropriate, designated person in place for child protection and do all families and stakeholders know who this is?

How effective are the recording and planning processes in delivering positive outcomes for children where there is child protection or safeguarding concerns? How well are babies, toddlers, young children and their families supported following a concern?

How effectively are children weo are on or were previously on the child protection register and/or Looked After being supported?

QI 3.1 p41

To what extent are the GIRFEC principles reflected in the work of our setting? What actions do we need to make to bring about further improvements? How well do we use information about children’s wellbeing to support their care, learning and development?

What methods do we employ to ensure information is shared effectively about children’s wellbeing between parents/carers and practitioners?

QI 1.2 p20

How well do we listen to and support children to ensure they are safe, secure and protected from harm?

How do we know our staff fully understand our systems to keep children safe?

How well are our relationships with other agencies working?

How do we ensure we communicate effectively with all parties to ensure children’s safety and wellbeing?

QI 1.2 p18

Accurate recordkeeping and meaningful chronologies ensure that the relevant staff have the information they need to help them keep children safe and protected.


How well are our relationships with other agencies working?

How do we ensure we communicate effectively with all parties to ensure children’s safety and wellbeing?

QI 1.5 p35

How do we know out approach to transition supports best outcomes from children and their families?

How confident are we that our record keeping and relevant information to support children and their families is shared effectively and securely to support positive transitions?

How effective are our partnerships approaches (parents, health education, social service, third sector , other care services)when ensuring children’s wellbeing needs are being met?


QI 2.6 p43

Are approaches to child protection and safeguarding known and understood by all across the school community?

How effective are the recording and planning processes in delivering positive outcomes for children and young people where there are child protection or safeguarding concerns?

How well are children and young people supported following a safeguarding or child protection concern?

To what extent are all children and young people supported so that both their learning and social and emotional needs are addressed?

How effective are our transition arrangements in raising the attainment of children and young people?

How effectively do we use transition information to plan progressive learning pathways for all children and young people?

QI 3.1 p49

How well do all staff know and understand GIRFEC, the wellbeing indicators, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child?

How well do all staff understand their role and responsibility in supporting learners’ health and wellbeing?

How well do we listen to and involve children and young people in making decisions about their wellbeing, their lives and their future?